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Showing posts from 2008

Search 2.0 - Medline access

Over the festive period, Ovid who manage NHS access to the Medline database on Search 2.0, take the opportunity to update and re-build the database. This may cause some periodical disruption to access. Current slow operation and timing out issues have been reported to the appropriate people, and is currently under investigation. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause in the mean time. Edit 6th January: Although the major issues have now been resolved, some intermittent problems may occur throughout January and no new articles will be added to the database during this time. PubMed remains unaffected. Alternative access to the full database is available via the Keele Ebsco access , which can be accessed through computers in the Health Library IT Suite.

Mental Health Bulletin No. 187 December 22nd 2008

Mental Health and Social Care Current Awareness Bulletin No. 187 is now available and can now be viewed here . The bulletin is designed to provide current awareness updates for mental health and social care services. Newsletter produced by Eastern Counties Library and Knowledge Services Alliance. Content covers updates from the Department of Health, national and international news and condition specific updates. Useful conferences and websites are also listed.

Inter-Library request charges

This is a reminder that due to rising costs, from 1st January 2009, inter-library requests will be increasing to £2.00 each. There will also be an additional £2.00 charge per each loan renewal. This price increase is necessary due to the continued rise in inter-library request costs. This is the first increase in charges since the current £1 charge was introduced over a decade ago. The Health Library will continue to heavily subsidise the full cost of each request.

NHS Athens

Changing jobs – now you can take your NHS Athens account with you! The transferable Athens account allows you to maintain search histories, RSS feeds and alerts. It also means there is only one NHS Athens login to remember. This is one of the many changes new operational changes to NHS Athens. Other improvements include the ability to log in using your email address instead of your username, making it easier still to remember access. For first time Athens users registering for a new account, instant access is now available by either registering on an NHS computer using your most frequently used email account, or registering at home using an NHS email account for job verification purposes. For further information, why not visit the National Library for Health FAQ sheet , or contact the Health Library or your local Athens administrator .

NHS journals

The new look A-Z NHS journals list is now up and running. Visit here to view online access to your favourite journals or see which titles viewed in the Library. New improvements include the facility to browse titles by A-Z and an all new citation checker. Remember to change any table of contents alerts across to RSS updates via My Updates or using the Zetoc alert service before 31st December.

Mental Health Bulletin No. 186 December 15th 2008

Mental Health and Social Care Current Awareness Bulletin No. 185 is now available and can now be viewed here . The bulletin is designed to provide current awareness updates for mental health and social care services. Newsletter produced by Eastern Counties Library and Knowledge Services Alliance. Content covers updates from the Department of Health, national and international news and condition specific updates. Useful conferences and websites are also listed.

TOC alerts

From 31st December, TDnet (MyJournals) will be replaced by the new NLH A-Z list. Please ensure that all journal table of content (TOC) alerts created via TDnet have been transfered across to Zetoc Alerts service or re-created using RSS feeds . The Zetoc service is available to both NHS and Keele Athens account holders. Please contact Susan by emailing or on (01782) 556581 for further information or assistance.

Christmas opening times

Restricted library opening hours will be operating from Monday 22nd December with normal opening to be resumed on Monday 5th January. Monday 22nd 08.30 - 17.00 Tuesday 23rd 08.30 - 17.00 Wednesday 24th 09.00 - 12.45 Thursday 25th CLOSED Friday 26th CLOSED Saturday 27th CLOSED Sunday 28th CLOSED Monday 29th 09.00 - 16.30 Tuesday 30th 09.00 - 16.30 Wednesday 31st 09.00 - 16.30 Thursday 1st CLOSED Friday 2nd 09.00 - 16.30 Saturday 3rd 10.00 - 16.45 Sunday 4th 13.00 - 17.00 Monday 5th 08.30 - 21.45

Mental Health Bulletin No. 185 December 8th 2008

Mental Health and Social Care Current Awareness Bulletin No. 185 is now available and can now be viewed here . The bulletin is designed to provide current awareness updates for mental health and social care services. Newsletter produced by Eastern Counties Library and Knowledge Services Alliance. Content covers updates from the Department of Health, national and international news and condition specific updates. Useful conferences and websites are also listed.

Training dates for 2009

Feeling the need to improve your information literacy skills for 2009?  Then why not make it a New Year resolution to book onto one of the library based courses. Brush up on your literature search techniques on Ebsco, Search 2.0 and Cochrane database or find out the best places to look for information on the internet.  Courses are also available to help you evaluate the information your find, manage citations with Reference Mananger or create update alerts with our current awareness course. Visit our training pages for the latest dates and online booking facility.  Remember you can also contact the library to arrange one to one training or receive support from our Outreach service .

Mental Health and Social Care Bulletin

Mental Health and Social Care Current Awareness Bulletin No. 183 is now available for viewing here . The bulletin is designed to provide current awareness updates for mental health and social care services. Newsletter produced by Eastern Counties Library and Knowledge Services Alliance. Content covers updates from the Department of Health, national and international news and condition specific updates. Useful conferences and websites are also listed.

The Commissioner

The Commissioner is a current awareness newsletter produced by North West Primary Care Librarians Group to support practice based commissioning. The latest issue (volume 3, issue 11)is now available from the Fade Library blog . All news items are available as text articles (blog entries) or as a 6 min audio summary (podcast).

November Health E-news

The monthly Health E-news produced by the Halton & St Helens Health Improvement Library Service, the Primary Care Library, and St Helens Health Partnership is now available by clicking here . The update contains information which relates to the six key areas of the Department of Health’s White Paper Choosing Health: Making Healthier Choices Easier .

What is new on alcohol

The latest issue of the Ian Smith Drug Reference Library update news letter is now available by clicking here . The update covers the latest articles on alcohol and the effectiveness of treatment produced by the Cochrane Collaboration, Department of Health as well articles from top peer reviewed journals like Alcohol, Behaviour Research and Therapy and Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. Alcohol policy UK news produced by Ranzetta Consulting, public health specialists in alcohol is now also available . Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust is holding the conference Alcohol: Everyone's Problem, Alcohol Treatment in Primary Care Wednesday 10th December 2008 in Bury. Full details available here .

Launch of new online vascular specialist library

A new Vascular Specialist Library has now been added to the National Library for Health. It is being officially launched today to co-incide with the Vascular Society's Annual General Meeting in Bournemouth 12th - 14th November 2008. A launch editorial is available via the homepage . The first newsletter with the latest systematic reviews, guidelines, conferences and research is available online . Currently updates are only available via RSS format from this website. Please take your time to feedback on this resource and how it could be improved.

Urgent notice for all Search 2.0 users

Please be advised that on Wednesday 5th November 2008 between 07:00am and 10:00am there will be essential network maintenance on the National Library for Health’s Search 2.0 databases. During the maintenance window there will be a loss of service on the saved searches feature. For this reason, please do not use Search 2.0's saved searches facility between the hours specified. Please contact the library if you experience any further problems with the service.

Journal alerts for NHS Athens

From 28th Nov 2008, the NHS A-Z journal list will be transferring from TDnet (MyJournals) across to the new NHS in-house service . There will be a month overlap between the two platforms, before the new A-Z list takes over the current web address (1st January 2009), so there should be no need to alter any saved book marks. Please be aware that this means the loss of the current table of contents (TOC) service provided by TDnet and linking of favourite journals in the National Library for Health's My Library pages. The British Library owned Zetoc service has been purchased as an interim measure, but will require the manual creation of new alerts. Visit the Zetoc support service for further information on creating TOC alerts. The current Zetoc licence will only valid until 31st July 2009. Zetoc alert service is also available to all Keele Athens users. For alternate methods of keeping up to date with your favourite journals or news services, please contact the Health Library or...

NHS Athens access for social care staff

From November 1st, local authority social care staff in selected regions, including the West Midlands, are eligible to access electronic resources via NHS Athens accounts. Access to the Core Content collection which includes high quality journals and databases is currently operating on a 10 month trial basis. In the past, access has been restricted only to only NHS staff, however, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and Skills for Care have successfully argued that those working in government-funded social care organisations should be given equality of access. For further information and online registration please visit the Social Care Online website .

Primary Care Research Bulletin

Please click here to access the latest current awareness bulletin provide by National Primary Care Research & Development Centre. This bulletin highlights key articles in areas such as access to care, health inequalities, need and demand for care, patient and public involvement, primary secondary care interface, quality of care, research and development and self management.

Use of NHS data survey

NHS Connecting for Health is conducting a consultation with the public and healthcare professionals on the use of patient information for purposes such as health research and managing and planning care. Although aimed at both public and health professionals, there is particular interest in the comments from clinical research on the use of NHS data. Currently researchers only account for 2% of returns and are considered under-represented. Please take the time to complete this survey and advertise where appropriate.

Inter-library request charges

From 1st January 2009 inter-library requests will be increasing to £2.00 each. There will also be an additional £2.00 charge per each loan renewal. This price increase is necessary due to the continued rise in inter-library request costs. This is the first increase in charges since the current £1 charge was introduced over a decade ago. The Health Library will continue to heavily subsidise the full cost of each request.

UK Thesis online

A new service providing free electronic access to doctoral thesis from UK based Higher Education Institutes, will be launched Tuesday 14th October. As a result of the EThOS (Electronic Thesis On Line System) service, the British Library will no longer be offering a microfilm loan service. Visit to search the EThOS service and download one of the thousands of theses already digitised. If the document you are searching for is not available, EThOS can be requested to obtain and digitise it. The researcher will not normally be charged for this unless the institution supplying the thesis requires it. Further information is available at .

IT drop in sessions for nursing students

Staff from the School of Nursing are hosting IT drop in sessions every Wednesday lunch time throughout October between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. So if you are have questions about WebCT (KLE) or problems with any of the Microsoft Office packages, University email or other course related computer issues, why not pop along for some assistance. Because it is a drop in session, you can visit at any time for a quick query or take the full hour to sit down and practice your skills.

End waiting, change lives campaign

A new target has been set to reduce patient waiting times to a maximum of 18 weeks by December 2008. To help achieve this, the End Waiting, Change Lives website provides a 5 step guide on how to improve waiting times. The site contains information on waiting time statistics, case studies from across England and information for patients. Additional resources can be found at the No Delay Achiever website which offers a 7 step guide to improving patient experience. Details on how to obtain your free 18 week patient pathway planning wheel can be found here .

Returning Keele students

Please be aware that it is Keele policy that all outstanding library fines are cleared prior to the start of the new academic year on 29th September. No new items can be issues or renewed until all monies owing have been paid. Note that from the week beginning 8th September if you wish to renew any items, they should be brought back to the library in person. The change over from vacation time to term time on the library issue system requires that library staff must manually return and re-issue books in order to renew them. As all books borrowed by Keele students are due either on the 29th or 30th September, it may be advisable to bring all renewals in prior to these dates to avoid lengthy queues.

New training dates for October to December

The latest scheduled training timetable is now available for sessions throughout 2008. If you are looking to find the best places for health information, need help understanding the new interface used to search for journal articles or how to manage your references or information updates, then why not visit the library website and book on a course. Please remember that if the times for time-tabled sessions don't suit, you can always contact the training team on 01782 556583 to arrange training in the class, workplace or one to one session. All courses can be linked to KSF dimensions IK2 & IK3.


The British Library table of content service ZETOC is now available to NHS and Keele employees and students via their institutional Athens logins. The database can be use to subscribe to the latest table of contents from approximately 20,000 current journals, covering a wide range of subjects including science, technology, medicine, business and law, as well as a number of non-English titles from around the world. Many of the table of contents may not be directly available from the publisher's own website. The database can also be used as a citation checker, with over 20 million journals and conference records from 1993 to date. Full information on the use of ZETOC is available via the online handbook . To learn further techniques on how to keep up to date with the latest information in your field, why not book on the Health Library Current Awareness course! Please check the Health Library website for further information.

Oxford Handbooks now online

A selected number of the prestigious Oxford Handbook series are the latest to be added to the NHS national online book collection via NHS Athens. Titles include: Oxford handbook of endocrinology and diabetes Oxford handbook of general practice Oxford handbook of midwifery Oxford handbook of palliative care Oxford handbook of practical drug therapy Oxford handbook of respiratory medicine The full collection NHS subscribed e-books can be searched through a new interface via the National Library for Health . The collection predominately favours items relating to mental health and general practice. Keele staff and students from the Health Faculty can also access these national purchases. Please contact the Health Library for further details. The full list of Keele purchased e-books can be found via the main campus library website .

Final farewell to Dialog

The 1st August is the last day for literature searching with Dialog Datastar. The new service Search 2.0 , which replaces it, is now standalone. Yesterday it received a couple of new improvements to make it comparible with the previous system. This includes de-duplication of results, which can now be run as a final step across all the databases you have searched. Unfortunately you will need below 500 results for this to work. A clipboard function has now been installed so help you save your favourite articles from different searches in the one area. The library runs a series of time-tabled training sessions , or update sessions can be arranged for individuals or groups in the library or workplace. Please check our training pages for further information. This is still a new dynamic interface, please contact Susan Smith (E-Resource Librarian) by emailing, if you wish to report any problems, or if you have any queries or suggestions for improvement that can be...

Sunday opening is here

Sunday 3rd August is our first day of Sunday opening. The Health Library and attached IT suite will be accessible between 1pm to 5pm. Only a basic service will be offered. If you have any complex queries or problems, please contact the Library Monday through to Saturday, when professional staff will be available.


Members of the Health Faculty will be pleased to know that the subscription to Anatomy.TV will be retained for at least the next year. Anatomy.TV is an online 3D interactive anatomy model with study guide, self testing and specialist sections. This package is available to holders of Keele Athens accounts only.

New look for Ebsco

Any Keele students or staff using the Ebsco health care databases may notice some changes! The screen has a cleaner fresher look, quick hover over display of article abstracts, share your results via Facebook, MySpace, etc, choose your favourite citation styles to display (unfortunately Harvard isn't in there), quickly add related reference to your saved folder (now more visible and easier to manage) and much, much more. We will be updating our training materials, so why not come along to one of our Wednesday afternoon training sessions or ask at the help desk for a guided tour. For further information please contact Mariet Schepers on (01782) 556583.

Final farewell to Dialog

Dialog Datastar will no longer be available after 31 July 2008. THIS MEANS THAT ALL SAVED SEARCHES ON DIALOG WILL NEED TO BE MOVED TO ANOTHER LOCATION BEFORE THE END OF JULY OR THEY WILL BE LOST. If you need an update training session on the new Search 2.0 interface from the National Library for Health, please book online through the Health Library website for our library based time-tabled sessions, or contact our training team to arrange one-to-one or departmental training on (01782) 556583. Specialist assistance is available for those based primary care or combined health via the outreach service . Please contact Susan Smith (E-Resource Librarian) direct by emailing or by phone (01782) 556581 if you have any further queries or problems relating to the new search interface.

Darzi Next Stage Review - knowledge update

This months has seen the publication of Next Stage Review - High Quality Care For All. This entry will gather together the main documents and a selection of the coverage. The coverage includes a number of good summaries. There were three main documents published at this point - 1) High quality care for all : NHS Next Stage Review final report (30th June 2008) Professor the Lord Darzi of Denham KBE The final report of Lord Darzi's NHS Next Stage Review. It responds to the 10 SHA strategic visions and sets out a vision for an NHS with quality at its heart. This link includes the full document and a summary version. For a very brief summary Darzi review: At-a-glance BBC or Main points of the Darzi report FT. 2) The National Health Service Constitution - a consultation paper (30th June 2008) The proposed NHS Constitution published today, marking 60 years of the NHS , is about safeguarding its core principles and values for the next generation, whilst setting a clear direction for t...

Happy birthday

This week is the 60th Anniversary of the National Health Service. To celebrate this achievement, the University Hospital of North Staffordshire is opening up a selection of departments for public access on Saturday 5th July, including the Clinical Education Centre. For further information on the history of the NHS the Health Service Journal have collated a special supplement in celebration - copy available in the Health Library. Additional informationcan be found on the NHS Scotland website or the NHS Choices with interactive timeline, photo gallery and forthcoming events.

New England Journal of Medicine

From June 26th 2008 there will be no electronic access to the New England Journal of Medicine via the library login. The online access was originally created in the days of the old Medical Institute. The login distributed at the time was the administration login. This is now in breech of the modern NEJM electronic licence. Continuing use of the login may result in loss in provision of both print and electronic format by the publishers. The library does not have the necessary funds to provide the site licence required to maintain electronic access and no alternate access is available via either national NHS purchases or Keele subscription. The print copy will remain available at the library for viewing. NHS staff with departmental accounts may request a print copy of the article be posted internally to the department (this is charged as an interlibrary request at £1 per article). Unfortunately as an American journal, our current copyright licence does not permit articles to be scan...

Renewing interlibrary loans

Due to the increasing demands on the service and budget restraints, a new fee will be introduced for the renewal of interlibrary loans borrowed from the British Library. A couple of years ago the British Library started to charge for renewing loans £3.10 per renewal, which up until now the Library has managed to cover. A subsidised fee will be introduced of £1.00 per item per renewal. The ILL team will add this as a manual fee to the appropriate library record once confirmation of the renewal has been received by the British Library.

Alkapatonuria Society

A new charity has been established to promote awareness of the rare genetic condition alkaptonuria. The Society has a advice centre based at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital to support both patients and the medical profession. The condition is cause by the under production of the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase which displays as ochronosis, a blue-black discoloration of connective tissue including bone, cartilage, and skin caused by deposits of ochre-colored pigment. Further information and research papers are available on the Alkapatonuria Society website .

Sunday opening

From the 3rd August 2008, the Health Library and IT Suite will be open on Sundays from 1pm - 5pm. Please be aware that this will be a basic service with no librarians on duty. If you have any complex enquiries or problems, please contact the library by email or visit us or phone Monday to Saturday. No access will be available to the rest of the Clinical Education Centre.

New on the team

The Health Library would like to welcome two new members of staff. Jayne Hickton ( ) will be replacing Marilyn Vigurs as the Outreach Librarian for the two primary care trusts, local social services and hospices. Jayne was previously a Community Librarian for Stoke-on-Trent Libraries with responsibility for Bentilee and Meir Libraries and is well versed in delivering library services within a community setting. Jayne is there to help people whom find it difficult to visit the Health Library directly. Further details of the service are available on the Health Library website . Tom Fallows ( ) has joined the team as a new part-time library assistant, who will be staffing the new Sunday opening to be launched on 3rd August. Tom began working in libraries while studying for a Film degree at Plymouth College of Art & Design and has since worked at Hanley Library and several different bookshops within Stoke-on-Trent. Watch out ...

Handbook of practice management

The Handbook of Practice Management is the latest key resource to be added locally to NHS Athens accounts. Full text can now be accessed online by visiting . Access is direct via computers in the Health Library, or by NHS Athens login elsewhere. The handbook is published by the Royal Society of Medicine, and details aspects of primary care organisations and teams, people management, issues relating to drug and information managament and finance. This resource is relevant to all staff employed in a primary care setting. The online version also contains additional links to further resources.

NHS Medical Search tool now available to NHS users

The Medical Search tool comprises of 3 medical information search packages that can integrate with Microsoft Office applications, windows desktop, as well as a secure document sharing tool. These tools can only be accessed through computers on the NHS network (N3). The tools have been developed through support from the National Library for Health and Connecting for Health, utilises a vast knowledge bank of credible sources such as the National Library of Health evidence based medicine, guidance, medical dictionary and specialist libraries, British National Formulary and The search tool sits in existing popular software and can provide NHS users with easy access to reliable medical information that is completely up-to-date. The NHS Medical Search project has developed three tools to do this: The Office Research pane The first uses a feature of Microsoft Office called the research task pane. An augmented version has been developed for the NHS that allows ...

Outreach Service Annual Review

The annual review of the Outreach Service is now available on the Outreach pages of the Health Library website. Find out about the recent activities to support staff in Public Health, Combined Healthcare and the Primary Care Trusts. The report provides key resources for people working in the community and details new developments in improving access to information, and training at the workplace.

Interlibrary loans and article requests

Due to the number of uncollected article requests, the library will now require full payment for interlibrary loans at the time of ordering. The interlibrary loans system is a subsidised service. It has always been the written policy of the library to charge upfront for requests, but abuse of the system now means that the policy will now need to be enforced. Urgent requests will still be accepted by fax, phone or online submission, with payment on collection. Refunds will be provided for items that prove to be unobtainable. All uncollected or unpaid requests will be charged against the appropriate library record and may lead to a withdrawal of the service in the future.

Shortlisting tips for article requests

Please help us maintain our high standard of service by considering what it is you are requesting. Here are a few helpful tips to save your own money and staff time: If the article is only 1 page, then generally it will be a letter, comment or poster abstract from a conference. The full research might not necessarily have been published. When performing a literature search, if a title is in brackets, then the full text is in a foreign language. All abstracts are published in English, but this doesn't mean the rest of the document is. Please check that the article is not published ahead of print. This is a premium rate service offered by publishers, but libraries generally don't have access until it has gone to print. If renewing a book loan from the British Library, please can you let the library know if it is required for a couple of days or a full renewal.

Literature search training

The Health Library will be resuming NHS literature searching training courses from the start of May, details and online booking available on the Health Library website . This course is now available to all Keele nursing and medical students, and supporting staff. Additional help sessions are also available for all Keele health faculty staff and students using the Ebsco database interface. Details on courses offered are on the Health Library website . Please contact the Library for further details on training in the workplace or one to one refresher sessions.

NHS databases

Access to NHS databases via Dialog Datastar has now been extended until 30th June. This will allow for the continuing development of the Search 2.0 interface and provide time for familiarisation. This is a development which is responsive to NHS needs, please contact Susan Smith ( to report any problems or suggest improvements that can be made to Search 2.0.

Dialog datastar

From the end of May 2008 Dialog Datastar will no longer be the NHS access point to the health care databases. Dialog has prematurely removed the links to all full text articles from their database. The problem has been reported. This does not mean that the full text is not accessible! Please check library holdings through My Journals ( ) for all current print and electronic access. Alternatively, from April 1st 2008 the new Search 2.0 interface was launched by the National Library for Health ( ). The new interface is designed to be more intuitive to use, maintain a stable familiar interface for accessing all NHS purchased bibliographic databases and be responsive to the needs of the NHS. Currently the database is still in the test phase, with several updates planned for the near future. Although still under review, full text links and documents can be accessed using this interface. Please contact Susan Smit...

New website for evidence based primary care

The National School for Primary Care Research ( NIHR ) has now launched a new website dedicated to increasing the evidence base in general practice ( ). The project forms a part of the National Institute for Health Research and has developed as key part of the Better Research for Better Health Research and Development Strategy. The website provides information on the latest research into the prevention and early diagnosis of serious disease, monitoring and managing patients with long term conditions, co-morbidity and patient centred outcomes, new approaches to the patient-practitioner interface and new research methods.


Snomed is currently experiencing Athens authentication problems. Alternate access is currently available by registering at the UK Terminology Centre's website: . Once registered, you will be able to download and use the SNOMED data in full (please read the FAQ before registering as this will cover any questions you may have about using this website). Snomed is a browser for Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine. It helps standardise medical terminology in a common computerised language.

CancerStats Reports free online!

From the 1st April Cancer Research UK has provided CancerStats reports and PowerPoint presentations free for download. The reports cover incidence, mortality and survival of specific cancers, causes of cancer and cancer in the UK, Europe and worldwide. To access simply go to and click on Our Publications . CancerStats can be found by browsing By Type.

Out with the old and in with the new

Spring has brought sweeping changes to the NHS e-resources. From today new journals will be available from CINAHL full text, Ebsco Health Management collection, BMJ publishing and American Medical Association. The titles were chosen through consultation with practitioners and librarians throughout England. The new package should provide more current content, better quality titles and less delays to access. April will also see the fond farewell to Proquest journal collection and images.MD package. Go to My Journals to view current journal access (NHS Athens login required) or contact the Health Library for further information.

New training timetable

The latest library based training timetable for April to June 2008 is now available on the Health Library website . New courses include current awareness using RSS technology and refresher literature search training on the new Search 2.0 interface. Search 2.0 training will be open to all NHS staff as well as all Keele nursing and medicine staff and students. Priority will be given to CINAHL database users as this will be the first database to be fully released on the new interface. The Dialog interface will be available through until the end of June. There will be a reduction in the number of library run literature sessions, until the full transition to the new interface is complete. Please contact the library if you have any queries or urgent training needs.

Promoting Mens Health Workshop

The Outreach Librarians work in partnership with the North Staffs Health Information Forum. The Forum is holding a workshop on Promoting Mens Health on Thursday 15 May 2008, between 1.30 – 4.30pm, at Bentilee Neighbourhood Centre. This free half day workshop is for any NHS staff across North Staffs, who are interested in promoting health information or health services to men in more effective ways. The workshop will look at key facts about male health and illness and men’s attitudes towards health services. It will also help participants to draw on best practice and skills-based tools that can help improve local provision and support gender sensitive services. The facilitator is Robbie Porter, the national training officer for the Men’s Health Forum . There is no cost for the event and a free healthy buffet lunch will be available from 1:30pm, but places are limited. Please register for the event by sending an e-mail to Pam Dunning, e-mail: p.dunning...

New King's Fund report on Maternity Services

Safe Births: Everybody's business is the new independent inquiry reviewing the safety of maternity services in the UK. The executive summary and full report are available from the Kings Fund website ( ). Resource recommended by Carolyn Roth. Print copies are now on order for the library.

Review of Health Library Services in England

A recent review of NHS health libraries, by Professor Peter Hill, is now available from the National Library for Health ( ). The review highlights the importance of library centrality within the organsation and identifies the role of the library in the support of clinical decision making, lifelong learning by health professionals, research, commissioning decision and health policy making.

Changes to NHS e-journals

The purchase model for the NHS national core content journals will be changing from the first of April. Previously most journals have been provided via Proquest. After extensive consultation it has been decided to purchase a smaller quantity of higher quality journals. This will provide users with greater access to more up to date material. The first change was the introduction of JAMA and the associated Archives collection published by the American Medical Association. From April we will be obtaining online access to the British Medical Journal and many other titles available via Full Text CINAHL (including the New England Journal of Medicine). The April launch of the new package has meant that there may be a brief lapse in electronic access to the journals. New content will be listed nationally through My Journals resource (requires NHS Athens login). For further information, please contact Susan Smith (01782) 556581 or email

Health Library User Group

The latest minutes of the Health Library User Group are now available from the Health Library website (link at bottom of the page). Issues covered include library training and promotion, Sunday opening, the Keele Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and forthcoming changes to NHS e-resources. For further information on the User Group , please contact the Library Managers (Julie Beard or Anne Webb) on 01782 556592.

Forgotten your Athens password?

Now you can now reset your own password. All you need to do is go to My Athens login screen ( ), and select login help located below the login box. You will need your username and the email you registered it against to hand. If you have any further problems or questions, then contact your local administrator direct. Their contact details can be found by searching for your organisation in the search box provided on the My Athens login screen. This applies to both Keele and NHS Athens accounts.

NLH Feed directory

As part of the ongoing improvements, the National Library for Health (NLH) has reorganised and improved the search capacity on the health related RSS feed directory . The directory can now be used to search for latest news articles posted within the last 90 days, or for RSS feeds to receive news updates on your areas of interest. The RSS directory is available free to all. Simply view the feed, then cut and paste into an RSS reader e.g. Bloglines or Google reader . If you hold an NHS Athens account, then by logging into the NLH website, you can update the feeds directly into My Updates or My Links sections of My Library to receive regular current awareness updates. For further information on current awareness, RSS feeds and NLH changes please contact the Health Library.

Journal changes for Keele

From the 8th January, there have been some changes to e-journals subscriptions available through Science Direct. Discrepancies in the Library A-Z journal listings may exist temporarily - automatic updating will occur only once the first issue of the journal has been published. New additions to the list include titles such as: Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Journal of the American College of Surgeons Journal of Tissue Viability Psychiatry Surgery (Oxford) The American Journal of Cardiology The Foundation Years Titles no longer available include: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology American Journal of Hypertension AORN Cardiovascular Research Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Journal of the American College of Radiology Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Seminars in Radiation Oncology Articles may still be obtained through the inter-library loan service. Pl...

NLH down time

Due to restructuring of the National Library for Health website, no service will be available Monday 14th January between approximately 5-6.30pm. Full service is hoped to be restored later on that evening. The website is currently undergoing a number of staged changes running through to April of this year, with several such maintainence sessions planned. Library held training sessions will be revised in April once all changes have been implemented. Please contact Susan Smith ( ) for further information on the proposed changes.

New medical wiki

Wiserwiki ( ) is a new medical wiki provided by the publishing giants Elsevier . The original content is based on “ Textbook of Primary Care Medicine ” (3rd Edition) by John Noble. To promote credibility and maintain standards, the wiki content can only be edited by a board of certified professionals. Site users can engage in topic discussion, provide comment and suggestions. Full details of the wiki operation is detailed in Frequently Asked Question, located under the ‘ Section ’ link.