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Showing posts from January, 2019

Here's how we helped Oct to Dec 2018

Here's how we helped you during the last quarter of 2018: We completed 49  literature searches  for you. Our  Inter-Library Loan  team supplied 161 articles for you. 241  training sessions  were delivered over the last quarter. 131 members of staff  registered for an athens account  so that they could access our online resources. Infographic of the quarterly stats for Oct to Dec 2018

NHS eJournals Cancelled for 2019

The following NHS ejournal subscriptions have been cancelled this year: American Journal of Gastroenterology BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cancer Cancer Cytopathology Chest Clinical Pharmacist Clinical Rehabilitation Journal of Nuclear Medicine Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Nursing Management Pediatric Pulmonology Pharmaceutical Journal Practice: Social Work in Action Primary Health Care Psychological Medicine Please check the NHS A-Z list for available NHS ejournals. You will need to log in with your NHS Athens username. For access to all our journal collections see our blog article Find Full-Text Articles . Remember that our inter-library loan service is available - you can request articles not available via our collections and we will try to source them for you.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 21-27 January 2019

Every year in the UK, around 3,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women aged 35 and under. Cervical cancer is not thought to be hereditary. In 99.7% of cases, cervical cancers are caused by persistent infections with a virus called high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) . HPV is a very common virus transmitted through skin to skin contact in the genital area. Around four out of five sexually active adults (80%) will be infected with some type of HPV in their lives. However, for the majority of women this will not result in cervical cancer. While HPV infection is common, cervical cancer is rare. The goal for the 2019 Cervical Cancer Prevention Week is to get as many people as possible to know how they can reduce their risk of the disease and to educate others. For more information surrounding cervical cancer please visit the NHS Website and Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust websites:

Do you want to publish an unusual clinical case, complication or diagnosis?

The Health Library subscribes to BMJ Case Reports for UHNM staff. Here you will find: Peer-reviewed articles Unusual clinical cases Common and rare conditions Available in full-text to UHNM NHS Athens users You can share your own cases by submitting your own case report. It is a great opportunity to get published. For more information see our BMJ Case Reports guide page – ask me for the fellowship code. To access the NHS subscription: Go to our Healthcare Resources web page and page down to the BMJ Case Reports link. You will need to log in using your NHS Athens username / password .

New Training Dates for Health Library Courses – Jan to Mar 2019

Looking for a new year’s resolution? Update your skills. Have a look at the training opportunities available at the Health Library this January, February and March. We can help you to develop your skills so that you can find the evidence to support decision-making and patient care. Our courses include opportunities to: Get help finding the right information via the Internet Learn how to conduct a literature search and use our databases to get information quickly Find high-level good quality systematic reviews and evidence summaries using the Cochrane Library and similar resources Start to develop your critical appraisal skills Get to grips with Refworks (Keele only) Our courses are free, provide lots of hands-on opportunities and are usually completed in 1 to 2 hours. Why not book online now , or contact our training team .

New Year, New Skills

Happy New Year to everyone. Get 2019 off to a good start by learning new skills or refreshing old ones. Check out the training opportunities available at the library and make sure you get the right information you need: Online Guides and Support – quick guides to help you to get to grips with our resources Information Skills etutorials – develop your searching skills online; try our etutorials Getting Started etutorials – get started with our most popular resources Training Courses – book on a face-to-face training course to get help from our training librarians