Oxford Medicine Online is an interconnected collection of online medical resources which cover every stage in a medical career. The site delivers the highest quality Oxford content while meeting the requirements of the busy student, doctor, or health professional working in a digital world. Many of these titles have earned the epithet of 'the bible of' in their respective subject areas. With online only videos, a robust updating program, self-testing functionality, downloadable images and much more - Oxford Medicine Online is a must for anyone needing authoritative information quickly.
Functionality includes:
- Cross-search titles to find the information you need quickly
- Online-only features include videos and self-testing functionality
- Links to references and further reading
- Images and figures can be downloaded to PowerPoint, perfect for giving presentations
- Personalization options allow users to save books, annotations, chapters, and searches
- Mobile optimized
- New and revised content added throughout the year
- Emergencies in...
- Medical Handbooks
- Handbooks of Nursing
- Oxford Textbooks
- Oxford Textbook of Medicine
To access:
All these titles are available to NHS staff via your NHS OpenAthens username. Go to the Oxford Medicine Online collection, use the institution log in option, select institution "NHS in England" and enter your NHS OpenAthens login details.
You can view all the books in the collection by choosing the option "Browse all titles in your subscription" from the left-hand panel.
You'll find a link to the collection along with instructions on our ebooks page.
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