If you work as a healthcare or nursing assistant then the Health Library can support your career development and educational activities.
Here is how we can help:
Join the Library
At UHNM you have access to 2 libraries:
- Health Library for North Staffordshire - based in the Clinical Education Centre (CEC) on the Royal Stoke site.
- Health Library at County - based in the post-graduate medical centre on the County Hospital (Stafford) site.
Your library membership covers both sites and you can use whichever library is most convenient for you. You will need to complete a membership form to join - this is available from our website.
Your membership allows you to borrow from our book collections as well as access a range of other services.
Register for NHS OpenAthens Username
An NHS OpenAthens username will give you access to the NHS online resources that we subscribe to for UHNM. You register by completing an online form - go to our OpenAthens page for more information or complete our etutorial to learn more about NHS OpenAthens.
Key Resources
There are a number of resources that will be really helpful to you:
Library Search - this is the catalogue for the libraries' book collections. You'll find print books as well as ebooks available here. You can learn more about how to use Library Search search from my online presentation: Library Search for NHS Users.
NICE Evidence Search - this is a search engine that focuses on UK healthcare related information. It can help you to find good quality information online. Check our help page for more help.
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants - this is a journal especially for healthcare assistants, which we subscribe to for you. It publishes articles on key topics relating to healthcare. You can access it online by logging in with your NHS OpenAthens username.
Royal Marsden Procedures Online - UHNM subscribe to this online resource to provide support to all nursing staff. It includes chapters on key nursing procedures. You can access it online by logging on with your NHS OpenAthens username. For more information see our help page.
Develop Your Skills
We have a range of learning opportunities that you can take advantage of to learn more about the Health Library, our resources and to help you to develop your own digital and information skills. Currently these are mostly online in the form of etutorials but we also include links to videos and guides.
If you need more help you can contact our training team.
Get the Latest Library News
For the latest news about the Health Library and our resources you can follow us:
- Health Library News blog
- Information Skills for Health blog
- Health Library on Twitter
- Health Library on Facebook
Check our Dashboard for Nursing & Healthcare Assistants
For a quick overview of how the Health Library can help you why not complete our online tutorial Dashboard for Nursing & Healthcare Assistants.
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