Cinahl database is the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. It holds the bibliographic records of thousands of
journals giving you access to many full-text articles and specialises in
nursing and allied health related topics.
can search across the database to find information about the topics you are
are lots of features to help you to focus your search, including:
- Subject headings
- Patient focus limits like patient age or gender
- Date limit feature to limit to the date range that you need
- Publication type selection – for example so that you can concentrate on reviews, controlled trials or case reports and so on
- Search history to allow you to view your previous searches
- Search combinations to combine your searches using AND or OR to increase the focus of your search or expand your search to include more elements
can find all the bibliographic information about the articles retrieved such as
author, journal title, year of publication, volume and issue number, where
relevant, and page number. This information helps you to locate the full-text
and will be needed for your references.
students can access the database via Ebsco whereas our NHS users can search the
database via the HDAS interface. You will need either your Keele computer
username / password or your NHS Athens username / password.
can find more help using the Cinahl database via our Databases online guides section and
we also have a Using Cinahl etutorial to help you get started, which
includes video demonstrations.
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