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Showing posts from November, 2016

Information Skills for Heath Blog

Our Information Skills for Health blog can help you to develop your information skills. You’ll find tips and tricks, resource features and etutorials that will help you to use our resources to find the information you need. Check out some of our recent blog items: Clinical Key features NHS Athens tips and tricks Latest etutorials released Nursing Revalidation news Support for Literature Searching

Students on Placement or Electives (Nursing & Midwifery) - no change to library loan rules

If you are embarking on a placement or elective in the coming weeks or during December / January: You are welcome to continue to loan items from the library, but please be aware that normal loan periods will still apply. Items may be requested by another user and recalled.  Late return of requested items will still incur fines. Automatic renewals will run as normal, but if you wish to try to avoid having an item potentially due for return at a time when you really cannot come in, you can attempt to renew your books early via you account on Library Search.

Self-care Week 14th - 20th November 2016

Self-Care Week is an annual national awareness week that focuses on establishing support for self-care across communities, families and generations. More needs to be done to support people to better look after their own health. Empowering individuals to self-care has many benefits for their short term and long term health and this is important since people are living longer. Helping people to look after their own health, and their family’s health also helps to manage demand on health services. Self-Care Week provides people-facing organisations with a focus to hold a targeted campaign to support people to take care of their health and wellbeing and improve their understanding of doing so. Self-care messages have a greater impact when they are being repeated by many voices through different mediums at the same time, making a greater impact and reaching more of the population. For more about Self-Care Week, please visit the Self Care Forum website:

e-Learning from the Health Library

You can find support and e-learning opportunities online from the Health Library. If you want to get started quickly with our online resources or need to freshen up your literature search skills you can try our etutorials and videos: Easy to navigate Short bite-sized learning Interactive Multimedia Mobile-friendly Find our etutorials on ourwebsite or check out our video YouTube channel .

Oxford Handbooks Online

Many of our popular Oxford Handbooks are available online as ebooks. You can access them anytime. You’ll need your Keele computer login details or NHS Athens username for access the full-text. You’ll find a list of available titles on our website . Look on Library Search for titles and links to the full-text. Photo of Oxford Handbooks If you need more help try our short etutorial Using eBooks .

Support for Academic Staff

The Health Library can offer support to Keele University academic staff based in the schools of nursing, midwifery and medicine. You can: Use our online learning materials to support your students’ development of digital literacy and information skills Arrange training sessions with our training librarians either for your own CPD or to support your students development Request a literature search if you need the latest evidence as background to a topic you are investigating Suggest new stock to be purchased and held at the Health Library Investigate further support offered by the Campus Library Please check out our Academic Staff page for more information.

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month - November 2016

Normal healthy cells grow in a carefully controlled way. Pancreatic cancer develops when cells in the pancreas grow out of control, forming a tumour (a lump or growth). This can happen in the head, body or tail of the pancreas. ·        Just 4% of patients survive – it has the worst survival rate of all 22 common cancers ·        Pancreatic cancer is the fifth biggest cancer killer – 26 people die each day ·        It receives just over 1% of overall cancer research funding ·        Pancreatic cancer affects men and women equally ·        For those diagnosed in time for surgery their chance of survival increases tenfold ·        In 2013, 9,389 people were newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer ·        In 2013, 8,524 people died from pancreatic cancer in the UK...