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Showing posts from May, 2016

Do you think the Health Library is just for Keele students?

Well, we are a joint NHS / University library and we have lots of services and resources especially for our NHS staff. Find out more about how the Health Library can support you and your work by taking our new etutorial Supporting NHS Staff. You can find a link on our Getting Started page . Have a go and let us know what you think – complete the feedback form at the end of the tutorial.

Explore the Health Library Online via our new eTutorial

Have you tried our new etutorial Using the Health Library yet? Explore our facilities, services and resources via the interactive map Watch our toe-tapping short video Test yourself on our drag and drop quiz Complete a reflection document at the end to save to your portfolio Have a go! There is an opportunity at the end of the tutorial to complete a feedback form, so let us know what you think.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Many of our popular Oxford Handbooks are available online You can find the list of titles online and link to them via our ebooks webpage . You will need your NHS Athens username / password or your Keele computer username / password to read the full-text. For more help on how to access ebooks check out our etutorial Using eBooks

Support from the Library for Nursing Revalidation

The Health Library is here to support nurses completing their revalidation – whether it’s a quiet spot to gather your thoughts or help finding online articles, there is lots that we can do for you. You can find help on our support page . We are also promoting help that we find elsewhere on our Information Skills for Health blog . Try our new etutorial – Supporting NHS Staff – to learn about all the different ways the library can help.

Information Skills for Health: New eTutorials Coming Soon!

Information Skills for Health: New eTutorials Coming Soon! : We have been busy updating our etutorials. They are still short, bite-sized online learning modules but have been improved: :: Resiza...

UHNM email changes – the impact on access to online resources

University Hospitals of North Midlands have changed their email address structure. Thus our UHNM users will find that their uhns email addresses have now become uhnm email addresses. As I understand it emails with your old address will still be received at your new address but presumable at some point in the future this will be changed. Unfortunately there is no way for us to globally update users email addresses on our eresource-related systems. How might this impact on your access to online resources? NHS Athens Your NHS Athens account will be listed with the email address that you registered with. You need to update this to your new uhnm email address. Log on to your account and click the change email address option on the left-hand-side. Why? Athens will email you to remind you to renew your username prior to it expiring. If Athens does not have your active address you may miss the reminder and your username could expire, so preventing you from accessing r...

New Books for April 2016

Here is a selection of new titles added to the catalogue this month. Browse all the latest titles here or check out the “New Books” display in the library. New books include: Artist or Madman?: a gripping anthology from a bipolar mind ? Kerry Valkyrie Baldock Kelly Basic steps in planning nursing research : from question to proposal / Marilynn J. Wood, Janet C. Ross-Kerr Clinical tuberculosis : a practical handbook / edited by Peter D.O. Davies, Peter Barnes, Stephen B. Gordon Diagnosis of Non-accidental Injury / edited by Vincent J Palusci, Dena Nazer, Patricia O Brennan Effective leadership : a cure for the NHS? / Denise Chaffer Essential microbiology for wound care / edited by Valerie Edwards-Jones Gray's anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical practice / editor-in-chief, Susan Standring Issues in public health / edited by Fiona Sim and Martin McKee Lupus: the essential clinician's guide / Daniel J. Wallace Management teams : why they succeed or fail / ...