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Showing posts from May, 2013

Life as a medical student: the good, the bad and the ugly

Life as a medical student: the good, the bad and the ugly Here it is from the medical students themselves – applying to medical school, managing a social life, expectations & reality, experiences and just getting on; includes a chapter by Keele University medical student Tom Kwan. “There are plenty more careers with more money, more respect  and a better lifestyle, but none quite so rewarding.” Copies of this book now available at the Health Library.

50 Resources for Healthcare: 22. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination

Are you looking for systematic Reviews, technology assessments or economic evaluations? You can use the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination to search across a number of different databases: DARE – Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects – for reviews of healthcare interventions and implementations. NHS EED – NHS Economic Evaluation Database – for studies relating to economic evaluation of interventions. HTA – Health Technology Assessments – for information relating to health technology. You can run a quick search from the home page using simple keywords or click the Search menu option for more advanced search options such as combining search terms, using a thesaurus and limiting your search. The CRD record will often include: CRD summary Authors’ objectives and conclusions Search strategy Assessment of how the study was carried out Review Results Potential Implications Link to the original article You may not get access to the full-text of all articles. ...

50 Resources for Healthcare: 21. Support for nurses and nursing students from the Nursing & Midwifery Council

The Nursing and Midwifery Council is the regulator for nurses and midwives in the UK. The NMC has many regulatory and administrative roles and responsibilities which I will not go into here. It also has a range of material to support and guide nurses, midwives and students; including: The Code Standards  Guidelines and best practice  

50 Resources for Healthcare: 20. Don’t know where to start your literature search? Try our Literature Searching Sites Page

We have gathered together a wide range of websites that will help you to start your literature search online. From databases to reviews, guidelines, clinical trials and mobile apps you will find a wealth of resources to help you to find the information you need via our Literature Searching Sites page .  Screen-shot of Literature Searching Sites Page You can find more help with your literature search by checking out our online guides section  for literature searching or trying our etutorials to help you to develop your information skills .  We also offer literature searching training sessions to include using Keele-subscribed databases or NHS-subscribed databases . You will learn how to develop a search strategy and get hands-on experience of running searches.

A-Z Glossary to help you use our eTutorials

Not quite sure what a term or phrase that we use means? Well, now all you have to do is check on our A-Z glossary for a brief description. Screen-shot of the glossary page

Dying Matters Week - Related Health Library resources

Dying Matters Week 13th - 19th May 2013 Dying Matters Awareness Week is a campaign by the Dying Matters Coalition. This year’s theme is:   ‘Be ready for it’, and is aimed at encouraging members of the public to take five steps to ‘make their end of life experience better, both for them and for their loved ones. The five steps are: 1. Make a will • 2. Record your funeral wishes • 3. Plan your future care and support • 4. Register as an organ donor • 5. Tell your loved ones your wishes.’                                                                                   ...

Finalists - Books for Library Fines.

If you are in your  final  year at Keele and have any outstanding Library fines, we would be willing accept book donations against the value of these. Any books offered should be in good condition and cited on reading lists; We reserve the right not to accept books and wouldn’t offer more than a third of the value of the book when new; We are unable to give out cash but would offset the amount offered against the value any Library fines you may still owe. Unaccepted items will be returned to you. Please note … This service is for  finalists only . We can only deal with fines for items from the Health Library – for fines on items from Keele Campus Library please contact Campus Library. Please go to the counters at either the Campus or Health Libraries if you would like more details.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin no. 75 April 2013

Click here to access the bulletin.   This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund.

NHS Access to Clinical Medicine eJournal

Please note that our access route to the ejournal Clinical Medicine has changed for NHS users. The publisher is changing their platform provider however they are having trouble providing like-for-like access. They have set up a temporary additional username / password to allow our users access to the full-text. To access this title – go to the NHS My Journals A-Z list and login with your NHS Athens username and password. Search for the title and follow the additional instructions provided.  Apologies for the inconvenience. We have reported the problem to our suppliers and hope that the publishers can rectify this issue quickly.

50 Resources for Healthcare: 19. Medicines Complete for drug reference ebooks

We have subscriptions to Medicines Complete for our Keele users as well as those who work at UHNS and North Staffs Combined Healthcare. Medicines Complete gives you access to a range of drug-related reference ebooks. Titles include: Clark’s Analysis of Drugs and Poisons Handbook on Injectable Drugs Herbal Medicines Pediatric Injectable Drugs Stockley’s Drug Interactions The Merck Index To access the titles go to our Healthcare Resources page and click the Medicines Complete link; you will then need to login via: the OpenAthens link if you are an NHS user or the home organisation link if you are a Keele user Note that we have slightly different subscriptions for Keele and NHS users. All NHS users can access Medicines Complete to access the British National Formulary and the British National Formulary for Children. Screen-shot of Medicines Complete

New Books for April 2013

You can browse all the latest titles added to the catalogue in the past month. Titles include: Avoiding errors in adult medicine / Ian P. Reckless ... [et al.]. Avoiding errors in general practice / Kevin Barraclough ... [et al.]. Fast facts : chronic and cancer pain / Michael J. Cousins, Rollin M. Gallagher Fast facts : epilepsy / Martin J. Brodie, Steven C. Schachter, Patrick Kwan Mathematics explained for healthcare practitioners / Derek Haylock & Paul Warburton. Measuring health and wellbeing / edited by John H. Harvey Nutrition counseling in the treatment of eating disorders / Marcia Herrin and Maria Larkin Oral and maxillofacial medicine: the basis of diagnosis and treatment / Crispian Scully. Quick guides for early years: physical development / Linda Pound Textbook of radiographic positioning and related anatomy / Kenneth L. Bontrager and John P. Lampignano New eBooks: ABC of emergency radiology   / edited by Otto Chan. British National F...

I want to learn about…

Do you need a bit of help getting to grips with finding the right information for your studies and work? You can find help from our guides, etutorials and training courses, now all on one page . Here you will find an A-Z list of our information resources and tools linked to the range of help services that are available to get you started, including: Web pages PDF guides eTutorials Videos Training Courses A-Z of help on one page

50 Resources for Healthcare: 18. The King’s Fund for information about policy and practice

The King’s Fund is an independent organisation that investigates, researches and analyses policies and practices in the current healthcare system to help improve healthcare. Here you will find reports, analysis and opinion discussing the main factors affecting healthcare.Topics covered include: Commissioning Leadership and management Patient Experience Quality of Care Integrated Care Service Re-design You can access a range of freely available publications and keep up-to-date with the latest issues via their blog or follow them on Twitter for instant comment. They also have a YouTube channel , releasing interviews, lectures and debates.