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Showing posts from 2022

Reminder: reduced opening hours at the Health Library over Christmas

 A quick reminder that the Health Library will have reduced opening hours over the Christmas holiday period: Friday 23rd Dec :: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 24th to Tuesday 27th Dec ::  Closed Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th Dec :: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 31st Dec ::  Closed Sunday 1st to Monday 2nd Jan ::  Closed Tuesday 3rd Jan onwards ::  normal opening times You can check your Library account online by logging in to  Library Search . Online resources are available  via our website .

Uplifting resources for the NHS from the NHS

As we head into winter with darker days, poor weather and winter pressures, make sure you take a moment to look after yourselves. Health Education England and the Reading Agency have crowd-sourced a list of uplifting resources for NHS staff. The full suite, which includes books and digital resources, were recommended by NHS people for NHS people. Ideal for boosting your mood. Why not try something different to help with your wellbeing? Books Come to the Health Library and browse through our Reading Well collection . You'll find self-help books, poetry and fiction titles. Just the ticket to relax your mind. Podcasts Want to listen to a story? Try... Nothing much happens - bedtime stories for adults to aid relaxation Desert Island Discs - listen to episodes from this popular radio show Online Resources Yoga Pilates - to get moving - gently! - check this youtube programme providing an introduction to pilates Your Mind Plan - A five question interactive quiz to get your personal pl...

Do you want to publish your own paper? Get help from our NEW! presentation

 Get the hints and tips you need to write your first academic paper - complete our NEW! presentation: Writing an Academic Paper . This presentation is aimed at students and early career NHS staff who are looking to publish their first paper. Learn more about: your audience targeting a journal the writing process outlining  and more...

It's starting to look like Christmas

 The Christmas elves have been busy in the Health Library and our Christmas Tree of Journals is up! With thanks to library assistants Janet and Helen for putting the tree together.

Christmas Opening Hours at the Health Library

 The Health Library will have reduced opening hours over the Christmas holidays. Please check before you visit. Opening Times: Friday 23rd Dec :: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 24th to Tuesday 27th Dec :: Closed Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th Dec :: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday 31st Dec :: Closed Sunday 1st to Monday 2nd Jan :: Closed Tuesday 3rd Jan onwards :: normal opening times You can check your Library account online by logging in to  Library Search . Online resources are available via our website .

National Grief Awareness Week 2nd – 8th December 2022

  Grief can be isolating and overwhelming, particularly at this time of year. Whilst the majority of people are looking forward to spending time with their loved ones, there will be many who will have empty seats at their table this Christmas. Those suffering a bereavement may feel uncomfortable speaking about their grief and feel pressure to be “happy” and “festive”.   Whilst for many the bereavement will be for a friend or family member, for those working in the NHS and wider health and social care communities it may be the loss of a patient, dealing with palliative end of life care or counselling grieving relatives. The National Grief Awareness Week is a campaign run by The Good Grief Trust to help raise awareness of the impact of grief, to encourage open discussion and to highlight the many bereavement services available. RELATED LIBRARY RESOURCES For anyone experiencing loss and bereavement, those working in palliative care, anyone studying grief counselling, or f...

Develop your skills with help from the Health Library

Need some help setting up a project? Want to improve your team's skills to take on new activities?  The Health Library can develop a bespoke training programme to help get you and your team off to a good start when looking at research activities. Here's an example of how we can help. One of our training and support librarians supported a member of staff at UHNM; She developed a bespoke series of training sessions over a 4 week period covering: searching primary and secondary databases, critical appraisal of RCTs and qualitative literature, searching for systematic reviews and grey literature.  In addition a number of links were sent for follow-up reading, free e-tutorials provided by the library, examples of data extraction and PRISMA flowcharts, links to follow-up services that the library could offer. Some months later, provided signposting for support to the same enquirer, who wanted help in setting out a literature search strategy for a particular research project into wea...

Health Library helps CATs

  Critically appraised topics or CATs are short summaries of the most up-to-date evidence for a specific clinical issue. They involve: Identification of a specific focused clinical issue affecting patients A structured search strategy Critical appraisal of the search results Application of considered outcomes to a practical patient scenario CATs can provide benefits to healthcare staff by providing opportunities to: Critically appraise evidence presented Develop knowledge within a specific area Share outcomes Identify gaps in the knowledge In this BMJ blog - Promoting true evidence-based practice using critically appraised topics (CATs) (2022) by Andrew Finney (Senior Lecturer of Nursing at Keele University) – Andrew talks about the CAT group he introduced in community nursing. He describes how the Health Library is part of the process to develop a critically appraised topic. Our librarian uses her knowledge and expertise to develop and apply the search strategy. She...

What's happening at the Health Library - Health Library newsletter, issue 2

  Don't miss out! Check our latest newsletter to see what has been happening at the Health Library.

Why do ICBs need to use knowledge and evidence?

 Watch this video of  Integrated Care Board (ICB) leader, Rob Webster, responding to some key questions about the importance of using evidence from research. He explains the value of NHS knowledge and library services to the system. This Knowvember learn more about how the Health Library can help you . Contact your NHS Lead Librarian Louisa Fulbrook,

New journal titles available to NHS staff

NHS staff can now access full-text of 2 new journal titles: BMJ sexual and reproductive health BMJ supportive and palliative care These titles are part of NHS core content, being purchased by HEE. You can find the titles directly from the BMJ platform, NHS Knowledge and Library Hub or via the Health Library website . Log in with your NHS OpenAthens username to read full-text articles. Contact the eresources librarian if you have any problems.

New presentation! Using BMJ Best Practice

 BMJ Best Practice is an essential tool for junior doctors and students on placement. Get up-to-date, evidence-based support to help you to make confident clinical decisions. Complete our new SWAY presentation, Using BMJ Best Practice , to learn all the basics about BMJ Best Practice. Using BMJ Best Practice Get the most up-to-date, best evidence to support your clinical decisions: get BMJ Best Practice. Go to this Sway

How can the Health Library support nurses and midwives?

 The Health Library Service is here to help you for every step of your nursing or midwifery career. We can support you during your clinical practice and when you want to complete further training and education or move into more senior roles. Join the library for access to a wealth of resources and support from key services. Access Resources We have a wealth of resources for you from books / ebooks, journals and databases. Specialist search tools will help you get straight to the evidence you need. You can access full-text by registering for your NHS OpenAthens username. Go to our NHS Resources page for all the links you'll need. Stay up-to-date Make sure you have the most recent evidence: Register for KnowledgeShare Evidence Updates to get the latest summaries, reports and articles straight to your inbox. Request a literature search if you need the latest articles and research for your specialty. Develop your skills Keep your digital skills up-to-date: Book on a training sessio...

Blue Wednesday – 16th November 2022 Mouth Cancer Action Month

  Mouth Cancer Action Month The number of new cases of mouth cancer is on the increase, and in the UK has increased by over half in the last decade alone. Fatality rates are also on the increase with more than 2,300 people in the UK dying from mouth cancer every year. Many of these deaths could be prevented if the cancer was diagnosed early enough. As it is, people with mouth cancer are more likely to die than those having cervical cancer or melanoma skin cancer and yet far fewer people are aware of the signs to look out for.  If mouth cancer is spotted early, the chances of a complete cure are good.  Mouth Cancer Action Month is a charity run by the Oral Health Foundation. Taking place throughout November, the campaign aims to raise the awareness of mouth cancer and shares the important message of being “mouthaware”. Blue Wednesday takes place on 16 th November and focuses on the importance of encouraging self-checks with the simple message: A self-check for mouth...

How can the Health Library support Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)?

 The Health  Library can support allied health professionals (AHPs) throughout their training and whole, lifelong career. We can support your practice, professional development and research ambitions. Join the library for a wealth of resources and specialist services. Access Key Resources We have a wealth of resources to help you to find the key information you need. Including: books / ebooks, journals and databases. Specialist search tools will help you to get straight to the best evidence you need. You can get access to full-text by registering for your NHS OpenAthens username. Just go to our NHS Resources web page for all the links you'll need. Stay Up-to-date Make sure you have the most recent information: Register for KnowledgeShare Evidence Updates to get the latest summaries, reports and articles straight to your inbox Request a literature search to get the latest articles and research on your special topic Develop your Skills Keep your digital skills up-to-date: Boo...

Knowledge for Healthcare – make the library part of the team

  This Knowvember learn more about how you can include the library service as part of your  team. Why would you make the library part of the team? The Knowledge for Health strategy developed by HEE aims to mobilise evidence, share knowledge and so improve outcomes. The strategy aims to utilise the expert skills and knowledge of the NHS library teams to support effective decision making within the NHS and improve patient outcomes. Your Health Library Team can help you to find the right evidence at the right time to help you to make the right decisions. Learn more from this video where Sue Lacey Bryant, national Lead for NHS Knowledge and Library Services discusses the way library services can support NHS organisations. To find out how to make the Health Library part of your team contact your NHS Lead Librarian, Louisa, Email:

Celebrate Knowvember and make the library part of your team

 This Knowvember we are celebrating how NHS libraries can support NHS staff and organisations by sharing knowledge. Knowledge is power! But is there too much information now available for you and your patients to process easily? Call your Health Library team! We have the skills and knowledge to know where to look for the best evidence to help you and your patients make the best decisions. Watch the video to learn about why you should call your Health Library team. How can a Health Library team help you? Watch this short video for examples of how NHS Libraries have supported organisations: Contact your NHS Lead Librarian, Louisa, to learn more about how we can help: Tel: 01782 679721     Email:

Get the right information - training options for Keele University Students

Keele University students - improve your information skills to get the right information for your assignments and dissertation. Nutshell Group Sessions You can sign up to short courses to get you started using resources quickly. These are delivered throughout the term, covering topics such as: Using ebooks Reading Lists Finding journal articles for your assignments Evaluating your search results Managing your references Referencing with Cite them Right Searching healthcare databases Sessions will be delivered via online webinars or face-to-face. To sign-up go to the Nutshells web page . 1-to-1 Training If you have a particular topic that you would like some help with, then book a 1-to-1 training session with one of our training librarians. They'll help you to develop your own search strategy and show you the most relevant resources. Book online via our training page . Online Training  Complete an online tutorial to develop your information skills . We have a series of short tutoria...

NHS OpenAthens for access to full-text resources

  Do you make evidence-based decisions? Do you need to get the best evidence? Make sure you register for your NHS OpenAthens username. This single username will give you access to hundreds of resources: Essential ebooks Key journals Comprehensive specialist databases Vital decision support tools Register now! All NHS staff working in England can register for an NHS OpenAthens username. Complete the online form to register. Make sure you: Register with your work-based email address Select the right organisation that you work for Enter your work-based job title and address Want to learn more? Find out more about the resources you can access from our etutorial – Finding NHS Resources Go to our NHS OpenAthens page for help using your username Need more help? Contact your NHS OpenAthens administrator for help setting up and using your NHS OpenAthens username University Hospitals of North Midlands – Cheryl Kent North Staffordshire Combined Health...

Changes to Health Library Opening Hours

New Opening Hours   From 1st November 2022 Monday - Friday 08.30 -20.00 Saturday 10.00 - 16.00 Sundays and Bank Holidays Closed Remember you can still use the Campus Library 24/7 during semesters.  ( Don't forget your Library Card) NHS Members can also register to use the Health Library at County 24/7 If you have any questions or concerns, please email or fill out a Comments form in the Library. We had planned to make these changes at the same time as offering 24-hour access to the library when it was un-staffed. Unfortunately, we have not been able to complete this aspect of the project due to concerns about the value of this access to members, and whether the members would be secure while using the library.  We still hope to implement unstaffed access at some point in the coming months.   Several Health Library team members have been working for additional hours each week since September 2021 to maintain the current op...

Easy read guides to health choices and questions to ask

  NHS Knowledge and Library Services have worked with people with lived experience to produce  two, new, easy read guides  for people with learning disabilities. The documents have been produced as accessible PDFs to download or print out.  You can use them with your patients to help them to understand and participate in their healthcare choices. The guides are: ‘Get ready to talk about your health’  prepares people for what to do before they go for a consultation with any health or care provider.  It includes important information about their rights and what they can ask for, such as information in different formats, help to understand information provided or physical help to get to and from appointments. Download this document . ‘ 3 questions for better health’  suggests what to ask when people have a healthcare appointment. Adapted in consultation with experts by experience into easy read from the NICE shared decision making guidance, the main empha...

World Thrombosis Day 13th October 2022

  Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a condition in which a blood clot forms most often in the deep veins of the leg, groin or arm (deep vein thrombosis) and travels in the circulation, lodging in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Together, DVT and PE are known as VTE - a dangerous, potentially deadly medical condition. RELATED LIBRARY RESOURCES For anyone studying the importance of improving both the awareness and knowledge of thrombosis and also supporting those diagnosed with thrombosis, the Health Libraries both at the Royal Stoke and County Hospitals offer numerous resources related to the subject. In the lists below you’ll find a variety of items. To locate these items, simply go to our online catalogue or ask at the counter. This document covers the following resources – books , journals , journal articles and patient information . BOOKS Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism : a guide for practitioners /Blann, And...