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National Eye Health Week, 20th September – 26th September 2021


Estimated prevalence of main eye diseases in the UK:

    • Age-related macular degeneration 600,000 people
    • Glaucoma 500,000 people
    • Cataract 500,000 people
    • Diabetic retinopathy 144,000 people

National Eye Health week aims to raise the profile of optics as it encourages the public to be ‘eye aware’ with a series of initiatives inspiring greater up-take of routine sight tests and highlighting the role healthy lifestyles play in preventing avoidable sight loss.

Despite the obvious challenges of 2020, the previous year’s campaign raised optics up the public health agenda with Google searches around ‘eye health’ peaking during the week – up more than 20 per cent on the next highest point in the year.

For more information surrounding the importance of eye health please visit the Vison Matters, Fight for Sight and NHS Choices websites:


For anyone studying the importance of improving both the awareness and knowledge of eye health and supporting those who suffer from eye related conditions, the Health Libraries both at the Royal Stoke and County Hospitals offer numerous resources related to the subject. In the lists below you’ll find a variety of items as well as information on materials recently added to our collection and available periodicals. To locate these items, simply go to our online catalogue or ask at the counter.


  • Ophthalmology / Batterbury, Mark.; Murphy, Conor, 2018, 4th edition [Amsterdam : Elsevier]. Also available as a Keele e-book.


  • Ophthalmology Times / New York : Ophthalmology Times. [Available as a Keele ejournal 2001 onwards & as NHS ejournal 1998 onwards].
  • Clinical ophthalmology / Auckland : Dove Medical Press. [Available as a Keele & as NHS ejournal 2007 onwards].
  • American Journal of Ophthalmology / New York : Elsevier Science. [Available in print 1995 – 2010, as a Keele ejournal 1995 onwards & as a NHS ejournal 2002 onwards.]
  • British Journal of Ophthalmology / London : BMJ Pub. Group. [Available in print 1994 – 2009, as a Keele ejournal 1997 – 2005 onwards & as a NHS ejournal 1997 onwards with 6 month embargo.]
  • Eye and Vision / London : BioMed Central. Available as a Keele & as NHS ejournal 2014 onwards].

Access more journals via our Journals webpage:


  • Paudel, Prakash ; Yen, Phung Thi ; Kovai, Vilas, et al; “Effect of school eye health promotion on children’s eye health literacy in Vietnam”, Health promotion international, 2019, Vol.34 Part. 1, Pages.113-122. [Available via Keele & NHS ejournals].
  • Hu, Victor ; Prajna, N Venkatesh ; Arunga, Simon, et al; “Responding to COVID-19 in eye health”, Community eye health, 2020, Vol.33 Part. 109, Pages. 1-3. [Available via Keele & NHS ejournals].
  • Hashemi, Nasim ; Moghaddasi, Hamid ; Rabiei, Reza ; Asadi, Farkhondeh ; Farahi, Azadeh; “Eye health information systems in selected countries”; Journal of ophthalmic & vision research, 2018, Vol.13 Part. 3, Pages. 333-338. [Open Access journal.]
  • Minto, Hasan ; Ho, May, “What is comprehensive school eye health?”, Community eye health, 2017, Vol.30 Part. 98, Pages. 21-25. [Available via Keele & NHS ejournals].
  • Antwi-Boasiako, Stella ; Machin, Heather, “Ophthalmic nurses: vital team members in the push for better eye health”, Community eye health, 2020, Vol.33 Part. 110, Pages. 42-44. [Available via Keele & NHS ejournals].
  • Heniks, Michelle ; Verhoeven, Virginie J.M ; Buitendijk, Gabriëlle H.S ; Polling et al, “Development of Refractive Errors—What Can We Learn From Inherited Retinal Dystrophies?”, American journal of ophthalmology, 2017, Vol.182, Pages. 81-89. [Available via Keele & NHS ejournals].
  • Bahkir, Fayiqa Ahamed; Grandee, Srinivasan Subramanian, “Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on digital device-related ocular health”, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, November 2020, Vol. 68(11), pp.2378-2383 doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_2306_20. [Open Access journal.]
  • Wong CW, Tsai A, Jonas JB, Ohno-Matsui K, Chen J, Ang M, Ting DSW, “Digital Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk for a Further Myopia Boom?”, American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021 Mar;223:333-337. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2020.07.034. Epub 2020 Jul 30. PMID: 32738229; PMCID: PMC7390728. [Available via Keele & NHS ejournals].
  • Thier A, Holmberg C., “The patients' view: age-related macular degeneration and its effects - a meta-synthesis”, Disability and Rehabilitation,. 2020 , Jun 23:1-11. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1775901. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32574120. [Available via Keele ejournals].




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