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Showing posts from May, 2019

Medical Students can get easy access to Keele Resources

All the Keele online resources most suitable to help our medical students are available from one web page – the Medical Databases page . You’ll find easy access routes to searchable databases and our online collections. Screen-shot of the Medical Databases page Here you will find links to: Books / eBooks – links to Library Search and major medications references Journals / eJournals – A-Z journals list to help you to check whether you have full-text access to the articles you find Core Databases – the essential databases to support medicine topics Additional Databases – additional databases if you are looking at wider topics Other Useful Resources – useful freely available online resources Help & Guidance – find out more about how we can help you Getting Started eTutorials – learn how to use our most popular resources Information Skills eTutorials – develop your information skills so that you can complete literature searching effectively Mobile Essentials fo...

Nursing Students can get easy access to Keele Resources

All the Keele online resources most suitable to help our nursing students are available from one web page – the Nursing Databases page . You’ll find easy access routes to searchable databases and our online collections. Screen-shot of the Nursing Databases page Here you will find links to: Core Nursing Databases – the essential databases to support nursing topics Social Science Databases – additional databases if you are looking at wider topics Other Healthcare Resources – useful freely available online resources Books / eBooks – links to Library Search and major medications references Journals / eJournals – A-Z journals list to help you to check whether you have full-text access to the articles you find Mobile Essentials for Keele – mobile friendly websites and apps that help you to access specialist resources on the go Training & Tools – links to training opportunities and online learning Help & Guidance – find out more about how we can help you

Medical Exam Revision Books Collection

You can now browse through the Medical Exam collection online , via Library Search. Screen-shot of the Medical Exam collection on Library Search The Medical exam revision books are a specialised collection, separate from the main book collection and made available from their own area in the library entrance, opposite the main doors. Whether you are a medical undergraduate, or working towards your MRCP, FRCA, MRCPsych or DRCOG (to name but a few), and whether you're looking for MCQs, SBAs or EMQs, we have the book for you. Please let us know if you feel any other titles should be added to this collection. You can do so by completing the Stock Suggestion form, either online or at the counter.

Dementia Action Week 20th-26th May 2019

The main aim of Dementia Action Week is to unite people, workplaces, schools and communities to take action and improve the lives of people living with dementia. As stated by the Alzheimer’s Society, almost all of us know someone affected by dementia. But too many people living with dementia report feeling cut off from their community, losing their friendships and facing dementia alone. Having dementia shouldn’t mean an isolated life. And it doesn’t have to. Simple actions from us all can create supportive communities - where people living with the condition can continue to socialise with others, hop on the bus, go to their favourite shops or take part in local activities for as long as possible. We all have a role to play in making the UK a dementia-friendly place to live and that’s what Dementia Action Week is all about. For more information surrounding dementia please visit the NHS Choices and Alzheimer’s Society websites:

Use the Library safely - don't trail power-leads

Please make sure that  you use the power plugs on the study desks and not the floor power plugs. Do Not trail power-leads across the library - this creates a potentially dangerous trip hazard. Photo of power plugs on study desks

Get more out of Clinical Key by attending a Clinical Key webinar

Elsevier are running a series of webinars to help you to make the most of Clinical Key . Clinical Key is a clinical search engine tool available to our UHNM users via their NHS OpenAthens username. You can book on one of the webinars to attend it live. However don’t worry if you miss out, the recordings will be available for you to catch-up. You’ll find more help on using Clinical Key via: The Information Skills for Health blog Clinical Key help page on our website

Students on Electives or placement (Medicine, Nursing or Midwifery) - no change to library loan rules

If you are embarking on an elective or placement during May - July: You are welcome to continue to loan items from the library, but please be aware that normal loan periods will still apply. Items may be requested by another user and thus need to be returned. Late return of requested items will still incur fines. Automatic renewals will run as normal, but if you wish to try to avoid having an item potentially due for return at a time when you really cannot come in, you can attempt to renew your books early via your account on Library Search.

We deliver for you - January to March 2019

We're here to support NHS staff and Keele University staff and students. Last quarter we helped you by: Completing 58 literature searches for you, so supporting evidence-based healthcare decisions Supplying 147 Inter-library Loans, allowing you to access full-text articles not available within our collections Helping 132 people register for an NHS OpenAthens account so that they can access articles, ejournals, databases and ebooks Delivering 189 training sessions to help users to use our resources and develop their literature searching skills For more help ask at the Library or check out our website . Image listing the 4 quarterly stats

Try Some New Mindfulness Activities

We have set up some new mindfulness activities on our mindfulness table in the rotunda. As well as trying our jigsaw and colouring activities you can also learn more about: The finger labyrinth How to commute mindfully Walking mindfully Fostering self-compassion Local yoga sessions Mindfulness Table in the Rotunda Learn more about mindfulness from our book collection by searching on the catalogue . Let us know what you think and what other activities you would like to see there.