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Showing posts from July, 2018

Develop Your Information Skills

Do you need to update or refresh your Information Skills? Do you wonder if you are looking at the right resources? Can you find full-text articles easily? Follow our blog Information Skills for Health and get the skills to help you to find the information you need quickly. Here you will find help to: Use our resources effectively Find the right resource Develop your Search Skills Get any new post directly to your inbox by signing up for updates .

Are you new at UHNM?

If you have just joined UHNM, then let me tell you about how the Health Library can help you… The Health Library, based at the Clinical Education Centre, is a joint NHS / HE library. We’re here to serve staff and students based in North Staffordshire. As employees of UHNM you can join the library and take advantage of all the fantastic facilities, services and resources we have on offer. Using the Health Library You’ll find lots of help at the library; from a quiet place to study, to photocopying facilities and specialist support just for NHS staff. Complete our virtual tour Using the Health Library to learn more about what we offer. Register with Athens You’ll need access to databases and journals to ensure that you can search the latest evidence – so register for an nhs Athens username, to give you a single sign-on to our many resources. Learn more about what Athens is and why you should register by taking our etutorial Register with NHS Athens . Access Reso...

IMPORTANT - IT Services Disruption (Disaster Recovery Day) Saturday 14th July 2018

Important message from Keele IT Services For the past few years IT Services has run a disaster recovery exercise on the central IT service. ​ This year we will be conducting tests on two separate  Saturdays: 9th June 2018 and 14th July 2018 . Each day will commence at 07:00 and continue until the early evening. ​ This is our opportunity to measure the levels of disruption to key services in the event of building and/or network loss. ​Please see below the list of services which will be at out of action or affected during the day Services which will be out of action on 14th July: Keele People Lecture capture systems Some commercial and business systems External access to Keele systems via the VPN Some local S: drive and network filestore ​ (Humanities, Natural Sciences, Health exc. Primary Care both staff/research postgrads, 50% of taught student) ​ Some disruption to PC logins in Labs or Offices Topdesk - ​Remote...

Do you want to be published? Have you encountered an unusual clinical case, complication or diagnosis?

The Health Library subscribes to BMJ Case Reports for UHNM staff. Here you will find: Peer-reviewed articles Unusual clinical cases Common and rare conditions Available in full-text to UHNM NHS Athens users You can share your own cases by submitting your own case report. It is a great opportunity to get published, with high acceptance rates. For more information see our BMJ Case Reports guide page – ask me for the fellowship code. To access the NHS subscription: Go to our Healthcare Resources web page and page down to the BMJ Case Reports link. You will need to log in using your NHS Athens username / password .


On Thursday 5 th July it will be 70 years since the beginning of the National Health Service and many NHS Trusts and departments will be celebrating with events and displays nationwide. The staff at the Health Library are celebrating the event with a display in the library rotunda . We have chosen a theme which looks at NHS reform over the 70 years and will include some original documents from the library collection. We are also looking out our own NHS memorabilia, so who knows what may turn up!!! The display will be in the library from Wednesday 4 th July until Friday 13 th July and the library staff would like to invite you along to visit, everyone is welcome, library member or not (it is simple to join the library by presenting your NHS ID and completing a short membership form, click here ). For more information about our NHS Library services at the Health Library please ring 01782 679500 or visit our website

Health Information Week 2nd - 8th July 2018

Health Information Week is an annual campaign to improve access to health information. Staff from local authorities, public libraries, NHS, voluntary sector, independent information and advice centres have all been working together to make their health resources more available to the public. In most areas your local libraries and information centres will have extra health information available, leaflets for you to take away or sessions to show you how to use the computer to find good quality health information. For more information about Health Information week, please visit the Knowledge for Healthcare Website: RELATED HEALTH LIBRARY RESOURCES    For anyone studying the importance of improving access to health information, the Health Library offers numerous resources related to the subject. In the lists below you’ll find our most popular items, information on materials recentl...