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Showing posts from August, 2015

What's in the library? Timely Discharge from Hospital

You can find "Timely Discharge from Hospital" by Lees at RA 971 8 L3.

Our website can help - NHS Journals Help

If you are struggling to access the full-text for our NHS Journals then check out our NHS Journal Help page . Here you can find: Hints and Tips Help for problem journals Help for problem platforms Log of know journal problems

Do you know the 7 steps to searching?

If you want to make the most of your literature searching and find information efficiently then follow our 7 steps to searching. Our etutorial Introduction to Literature Searching will tell you all about it.

What's in the library? From Public Health to Wellbeing

We also have texts relating to public health in the Health Library. You can find this book "From Public Health to Wellbeing: the driver for policy and action" (Walker & John) at RA 485 W2.

Our website can help - Information for Academic Staff

If you are a member of academic staff at Keele University why not check out our Information for Academic Staff page . Here you'll find out about our services that can help to support your teaching: Using our eTutorials Information Skills Training Literature Search Service Stock Suggestion

Request Online...

We have a number of services that you can request online via our website: Inter-Library Loan (ILL) – if we don’t have a book or article that you need, you can request an inter-library loan and we will try to find it from another library. Literature Search Service – if you don’t have time to do your own literature search we can do it for you. Complete our online form to make your request. Information Skills Training – we offer a comprehensive training programme throughout the year. You can book on a scheduled course via our online booking form . Stock Suggestion – if you think we are missing a vital text from our collection you can make a stock suggestion online . Anything else? Just use our Contact Us Online form if you want to get in touch about any other issues. You’ll find all our contact details on our website if you want to contact us in any other way.

What's in the library? Examining Trust in Healthcare

The book "Examining Trust in Healthcare" (Pilgrim et al) is on the shelves at classmark RA 418 P4.

Our website can help - NHS Athens

If you want to access our NHS-subscribed online resources, you'll need to register for an NHS Athens username / password. This will allow you to login to databases, journal collections and ebooks to access the full-text. Our NHS Athens page includes all the links you will need to maintain your Athens username. As well as give you information and advice on how to register.

Keep your information skills up-to-date

Our training sessions can help you to find relevant good quality information. Get help finding the right information via the Internet Learn how to conduct a literature search and use our databases to get information quickly Find high-level good quality systematic reviews and evidence summaries using the Cochrane Library and similar resources Start to develop your critical appraisal skills All these sessions are: Run at the Health Library: Presented by qualified librarians Delivered to small groups Give you plenty of hands-on practice Book yourself on a session by getting in touch with our Training Team or book online .

Need some help with a Literature Search?

If you are a busy NHS member of staff and need a literature search completed we can do it for you. Our qualified staff can complete complex searches on your behalf. You will be provided with a report detailing the articles that match your search question. You can make a request online or pop into the library to have a chat with a member of staff.

What's in the library? The NHS Experience

You'll find "The NHS Experience" (Cass) at classmark RA 395 G7 C2 . You can learn more about the NHS but checking out section RA 395 G7.

Current Awareness Feeds Update

A number of current awareness feeds have now been updated: Child Health NHS Commissioning Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Care Diabetes Elderly Care ENT If you are already subscribing to these email updates there should be no need  to change your subscription.  New subscribers can request an email update from the current awareness topic page. The feeds  are now combined using feed.informer rather than Yahoo.Pipes.

Our website can help - NHS Healthcare Resources

You'll find all the links to our NHS subscribed resources all together on the Healthcare Resources page ; including journal collections, databases and specialist resources.

Proquest maintenance Aug 8th

Please note the following information we have received: From  Saturday Aug 8, 2015 at 10:00 PM Eastern Time  through  Sunday Aug 9, 2015 at 6:00 AM Eastern time , ProQuest will be upgrading its systems infrastructure in the Virginia data center ("DC4"). During the maintenance window, customer access will be redirected to a webpage stating the planned maintenance times. Access may be available sooner than the published end time depending on completion of testing. This maintenance will not impact the ProQuest Support Center or Support Center Portal. This may impact on access to the medline and psychinfo databases within NHS HDAS, which are provided by Proquest. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Current Awareness Feeds Update

A number of current awareness feeds have now been updated: Anaesthetics News Cancer News Cardiology News Cardio-Thoracic Journal Titles If you are already subscribing to these email updates there should be no need to change your subscription.  New subscribers can request an email update from the current awareness topic page. The feeds are now combined using feed.informer rather than Yahoo.Pipes.

We have more online resources than you think

Our NHS users can access a variety of online resources. eBooks, ejournals and databases as well as: BNF App – the lastest drug information, updated regularly BMJ Case Reports (UHNM only) – access the full-text of unusual case reports; submit your own! Dynamed (UHNM only) – evidence-based point of care support Medical Masterclass (UHNM only) – support for the MRCP exams Medicines Complete (UHNM and NS Combined Healthcare) – variety of drug reference texts Royal Marsden Online (UHNM only) – nursing procedures You'll find links to everything on our Healthcare Resources page .

New Books for July 2015

Here is a selection of new titles added to the catalogue this month. Browse all the latest titles here or check out the “New Books” display in the library. New books include: Cases for PACES / Stephen Hoole, Andrew Fry and Rachel Davies Concise colour medical dictionary / editor, Elizabeth Martin Drug calculations for nurses: a step-by-step approach / Robert Lapham Drugs in use : case studies for pharmacists and prescribers / edited by Linda J Dodds Examination of the newborn : an evidence-based guide / edited by Anne Lomax How to succeed at medical school : an essential guide to learning / Dason Evans, Jo Brown Managing long-term conditions and chronic illness in primary care : a guide to good practice / Judith Carrier Mastering mentorship : a practical guide for mentors of nursing, health and social care students / Julie Bailey-McHale and Donna Hart Mentorship in healthcare / edited by Mary E Shaw and John Fulton Rethinking old age: theorising the fourth age / Paul...

What's in the Library? The Unofficial Guide to Medical Research, Audit and Teaching

We have lots of helpful texts related to research and teaching in medicine. You'll find this guide at R 850 T2 .

Current Awareness Update - A & E News

The A and E News current awareness feed has now been updated. If you are already subscribing to this email update there should be no need to change your subscription.  New subscribers can request an email update here . This awareness feed covers the latest research from ejournals subscribed for our NHS users. We also have an alternative feed covering other A&E related ejournals .