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Showing posts from March, 2013

Changes to NHS Evidence

Information from NHS Evidence: " ... NHS Evidence will also be undergoing some stepped changes. From 1 April the web portal will become known as ‘Evidence S earch’ and will carry the NICE logo in place of the NHS logo. However, the URL will remain the same.  We will be incorporating Evidence Search, BNF, a refreshed CKS service and our Journals and Database together as a collection of core evidence products under the new heading of NICE Evidence Services. Changes to explanatory text within the site will be made to reflect these changes which will begin to be made from 1 April." This may affect NHS Athens users accessing these products.  

50 Resources for Healthcare: 13. Reliable medicine information at your fingertips – British National Formulary and British National Formulary for Children

Get access to a quick reference tool for information about medicines used in the UK healthcare sector. The BNF and BNFC are available to all our users in a range of formats: Printed books – available for reference at both the Campus and Health Libraries; a small number are available to loan View the catalogue entry for the BNF View the catalogue entry for the BNF for Children Ebooks –online access via the Internet. Search for the book title via our catalogue . You will need your Keele computer username and password or your NHS Athens account details to access the full-text Mobile apps – if you have an NHS Athens username you can download the BNF / BNFC apps   Mobile browser – BNF and BNFC results are accessible from the NHS Evidence mobilesearch tool . Complete your search and filter the results by BNF/ BNFC.

Win a Free Memory Stick!

We need your help – help us to improve our etutorials and you could win a free memory stick and a range of stationery goods. Just try one of our etutorials and complete the survey. If you include your name and email address we will add you to the prize draw. The lucky first 3 out of the hat will win a range of prizes; first prize includes a £20 voucher . But hurry you only have until 29 th March. You can find a full list of all our etutorials on our new a-z list at I want to learn about…  

Issues accessing Ebsco databases – includes Cinahl & Medline

We have noticed an issue when trying to access ebsco ejournal titles from the A-Z lists – both for Keele University and NHS ejournal lists. It seems to be a particular issue if you have logged into NHS Athens but then go to access some Keele journals. If you get an error after clicking the ebsco link for a journal title you can still access the full-text by logging on to the database link instead. The database links can be found on our website at: Nursing Databases (Keele) – click the Cinahl or Medline or Psychinfo link Midwifery Databases (Keele) – click the Cinahl or Medline or Psychinfo link Medical Databases (Keele) – click the Cinahl or Medline or Psychinfo link Healthcare Resources (NHS) – click the HDAS link We have reported the error to our suppliers and apologies for any inconvenience.

50 Resources for Healthcare: 12. Dynamed: an evidence-based clinical reference tool

If you work for the University Hospital of North Staffordshire you can get access to Dynamed via your NHS Athens username and password. See our Healthcare Resources page for a link. Dynamed is similar to Up-to-Date which some of you may have used at other NHS organisations. Using Dynamed you can get the latest reviewed, evidence-based, clinical summaries for a wide range of conditions and diseases. Use the simple search facility or browse through the comprehensive A-Z list to find the information you need.  You can find information about: causes and risk factors  complications diagnosis treatment prognosis prevention and screening guidelines, reviews and other resources links to patient information references Here is a video to introduce you to the main features. You can find more help in the online guides section of our website. Mobile versions are also available. Check our guides sections for links to the videos to show you how. ...

More Books for Sale

We have added more books to the sales trolley; including: Cardiac arrhythmias. Bennett, D. (6th ed). Arnold:2002 Conducting research literature reviews. Fink, A. (2nd ed). Sage:2005 Doctors guide to critical appraisal. Gosall, N. (2nd ed). PasTest:2009 Essential neonatal medicine. Levene, M. (4th ed). Blackwell:2008 Gerontological nursing. Eliopoulos, C. (7th ed). Lippincott:2010 Nursing law and ethics. Tingle, J. (3rd ed). Blackwell:2007 Oxford handbook of clinical specialties. Collier, J. (8th ed). Oxford University Press:2009 Students guide to exam success. Tracy, E. Open University Press:2002 Surface anatomy. Lumley, J. (3rd ed). Churchill Livingstone:2002 Textbook of orthopaedics, trauma & rheumatology. Luqmani, R. Elsevier:2008 Browse the sales trolley for a bargain. You can pay at the counter with cash, debit / visa card or your Keele card.

Sign up to our Medical News Bulletin

You can sign-up to receive the latest research published via : British Medical Journal Lancet JAMA New England Journal of Medicine As well as news from Royal College of General Practitioners British Medical Association blog Sign up with our Current Awareness Service to receive the latest updates in your inbox.  You only receive an email when there is news and you can unsubscribe easily if you don’t like it.

50 Resources for Healthcare: 11. RCN – the Royal College of Nursing

The Royal College of Nursing is a professional union for nurses. There are a range of benefits for members (which I'm sure you are familiar with) but I am going to point you in the direction of their freely available resources such as guidelines and information about best practice. NursingPractice Issues : for a range of documents covering a number topics and conditions such as Clinical Governance, Diabetes, Pain in Children, Social Inclusion and many more. ClinicalGuidelines : The RCN supports and have helped to develop a range of guidelines – you can find a list of them here. Publications : There are also a number of publications which are freely available to download. These relate to professional as well as clinical issues, including competences. The RCN also produce the This is Nursing website. This website hopes to promote nursing and educate people about what is involved. Here you can find out the latest news about the profession, articles about issu...

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin no. 73 February 2013

Click here to access the bulletin . This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund.

Health Library video updates

All our YouTube videos have been updated to include subtitles and a transcript of the audio. So now you don’t need to use headphones if you’d prefer not to or it is inconvenient. Simply click on the subtitle option or click the transcript tab. Screen-shot showing the subtitle option and view transcript tab Our videos form part of our etutorial collection . Let us know what you think about them by completing our survey and we’ll enter you into our prize draw. Don’t forget that you can borrow headphones from the library for use in the IT suite. Just ask at the counter.

New training dates for April to June 2013

Need more help finding the right good quality evidence? Want to make the most of your NHS Athens account? Planning your dissertation? Get your skills up-to-date and familiarise yourself with all our resources. Try one of our free training courses. Topics available include: Health Essentials Online Road Map to Athens Literature Searching Rapid Critical Appraisal Cochrane Library introduction and more Find the right course to help you whether you work for the UHNS , work in the community with the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership or for North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare or are a Keele University student or member of staff . Book online now  or get in touch with Rachael or Mariet, our training team , or Lindsay or Clare, our Outreach team .

Are you getting to grips with literature searching? Our etutorials can help and you could win prizes!

Do you need a bit of help finding the right information? Are your searches not giving you enough material? Try out etutorials to help you to improve your search skills. Get the question right with our PICO tutorial   Make sure you are looking in the right place – select the right resource   Improve your Search Skills   Get results faster by Using a Thesaurus   Screen-shot of search Skills etutorial Did you find our etutorials helpful? Make sure you let us know by completing our survey form – we’ll enter you into our prize draw!  You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time. 

50 Resources for Healthcare: 10. Get the latest journal articles via our Current Awareness Service

Would you like to get the latest headlines and table of contents from your subject specific journals? You can sign up to receive email updates from our CurrentAwareness Service .  You only get an email when new articles are published. You can link through to the online articles that we subscribe to. It is simple to unsubscribe if you don’t like it. We have a range of subject topics available. If you can’t see the subject you need then get in touch with our eresourceslibrarian and we can set one up for you. Here is an overview of the service: Our service uses Netvibes and Feedburner, however you don’t have to join these to use the service. Why not try it? We have more information to help you to keep up-to-date; check out our CurrentAwareness page or see our online guides for help setting up alerts, using RSS feeds and trying social networking.

New Books for February 2013

You can browse all the latest titles added to the catalogue in the past month. Titles include: ABC of resuscitation / edited by Jasmeet Soar, Gavin D. Perkins, Jerry Nolan.  Adult development and aging / Bert Hayslip Jr., Julie Hicks Patrick and Paul E. Panek  Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound / Jon A. Jacobson.  General practice at a glance / Paul Booton ... [et al.].  Law and ethics in nursing and healthcare: an introduction / Graham Avery.  Participatory research in palliative care : actions and reflections / edited by Jo Hockley, Katherine Froggatt, Katharina Heimerl  Pulmonary pathophysiology: the essentials / John B. West  Statistics for the terrified / John H. Kranzler.  *** Try our etutorials to help you to find books in the library *** *** Complete our survey and enter our prize draw ***  New eBooks: ABC of breast diseases / edited by J. Michael Dixon  Care planning : a guide ...

Time is running out! Enter now!

We’d like to know what you think about our etutorials and we’re giving you the chance to win a prize! Have a go at one of our etutorials and then complete the survey form – it only takes a couple of minutes. We’ll enter each completed form into a prize draw. You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time. Survey Prizes

Accessing Wiley Online eJournal Titles

Wiley Online have again changed the way that NHS Athens users access their ejournals. Start by logging in and searching for your ejournal title via the NHS My Journals A-Z list . Click on the Wiley Online link listed in the search results list. This should take you to the ejournal page on Wiley. However it most likely will not have logged you in (even though you have just logged in). Click the “ Institutional login ” link near the top right-hand-corner. You then need to select your organisation – I don’t believe that these have been set up correctly for us; however NHS users should enter “ city general hospital ” into the institution box. This should find an entry for “ City General Hospital Health Library (Athens) ”, select this. Select this even if you do not work for UHNS / City General Hospital. Then click the login button. You may be prompted for your NHS Athens username and password or you may be automatically logged through. You will then be dumped on the Wiley ...

Francis Inquiry – report and reaction

The Francis Inquiry reported its results and recommendations on 6 th February 2013. Here are a few links that you might find helpful: Francis Inquiry website   Francis Inquiry Final Report 2013 - The final report     Previous Inquiry 2010 Previous Inquiry 2010 from Department of Health - acceptance of the 18 recommendations   Stafford Hospital Inquiry Timeline (from the BBC)  As you can imagine a great number of health-related organisations published an immediate response to the report. However in general there will need to be a period of analysis and reflection until anything substantive is developed. Here are some resources that you might want to monitor: The Guardian The Essential Guide   - background information from the Guardian. On-going articles from the Guardian regarding the Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust  Department of Health News and statements   Prime Minister’s Statement   Nuffield T...

Still struggling to find books in the library?

Get help finding the books you need by using our online catalogue. You could try our etutorials: Find a book on the Catalogue   Find a book on the Shelf   Did you find our etutorials helpful? Make sure you let us know by completing our survey form – we’ll enter you into our prize draw!  You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time.