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Showing posts from February, 2013

Find published research from our local NHS and Keele University staff

You can find a list of published research from our local staff on our Staff Publications web page   Here we have gathered together some of the research published over the past year by our partner organisations: Keele University North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust – formerly North Staffs PCT and Stoke on Trent PCT University Hospital of North Staffordshire

Get help finding Keele eJournals using our etutorials and enter the Prize Draw!

Try our Find a Keele eJournal etutorial to learn how to find an ejournal. Did it help? Make sure you let us know by completing our survey form – we’ll enter you into our prize draw!  You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time. 

50 Resources for Healthcare: 9. Search NHS-based journals via HDAS

HDAS is the Healthcare Databases Advanced Search facility offered by NHS Evidence. It is available to users with an NHS Athens username and password. You can search a number of different databases using the same interface. The databases available include: ** AMED, BNI, Cinahl, Embase, Health Business Elite, HMIC, Medline and Psychinfo ** The benefits of using HDAS include: Number of different databases available You can search for articles across a wide range of journal titles Common search interface for different databases – you don’t have to learn how to use each database separately You can search using keywords – just enter your terms into the search box You can search using a thesaurus – find the right thesaurus terms to speed up your search You can view your search history You can combine searches together using AND or OR – to either focus or expand your search You are offered a number of limits to apply to your search to help you to focus on a topic; including...

New NHS eJournal Titles for 2013

I have now uploaded a file containing all the new ejournal titles that we have subscribed to for our NHS users. You can find this on the eJournals Information page, along with information to help you to access them.  You can view a complete list of journals titles that we subscribe to via the NHS My Journals list – login using your Athens username and password to view the full list.

Don’t forget we have the Oxford Handbooks online

Try our Using eBooks e t utorial to find out how to access the Oxford Handbook series online.   Did it help? Make sure you let us know by completing our survey form – we’ll enter you into our prize draw!  You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time. 

Have you found all the articles you need? Try our Finding Articles eTutorial and Enter our Prize Draw!

What is an article? Where can you find them? How do you reference them? Getting access to the full-text? Do you need the answers? Then try our Finding Articles etutorial    Did it help? Make sure you let us know by completing our survey form – we’ll enter you into our prize draw! You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time. 

50 Resources for Healthcare: 8. Find Keele articles online – via the Keele A-Z list

You use the Keele A-Z list to find out what electronic journal titles we have available online. Anyone can search the list but to access the full-text you will need your Keele computer username and password. You can search by entering the journal title into the search textbox and then clicking the Go button. The results will give you all the titles that include the text that you have entered. You can also browse through the list by subject area – click on the subject tab. By clicking on the journal title returned in the results list you can see what holdings you have access to and in which database they are located. You can get more help from our website: Short guide to finding Keele ejournals   Find a Keele eJournal etutorial   Finding articles etutorial    

Learn how to Find Health-Related Information and Enter our Prize Draw!

Why not have a go at our Finding Information on the Internet etutorial. Let us know what you think about it and you can enter our prize draw. You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time.

More Titles available in the Book Sale – starts Saturday 16th February 2013

We are updating the Book Sales trolley with recently withdrawn titles, including: Promoting health: a practical guide. Ewles, Linda. (5th ed.) Bailliere Tindall:2003 Handbook of communication skills. Hargie, Owen. (2nd ed.) Routledge:1997 Critical care nursing. Morton, Patricia. (8th ed.) Lippincott:2005 Nursing research. Polit & Beck. (8th ed.) Wolters Kluwer:2008 Bates’ Guide to physical examination & history taking. Bickley, Lynn. (9th ed.) Lippincott:2007 Interpreting qualitative data. Silverman, David. (3rd ed.)Sage: 2006 Communication skills for medicine. Lloyd, Margaret. (2nd ed.) Churchill Livingstone:2004 Pulmonary pathophysiology: the essentials. West, John. (7th ed.) Wolters Kluwer:2008 The cardiovascular system at a glance. Aaronson, Philip. (3rd ed.) Blackwell:2007 Maternal, fetal & neonatal physiology: a clinical perspective. Blackburn, Susan. (3rd ed.) Saunders:2007 You can find the Books Sales trolley outside the Silent Study room, near the ne...

Problems accessing Ebsco eJournal Titles for NHS users

We have been experiencing problems accessing NHS ejournal titles that are available via the Ebsco databases such as Cinahl, Medline with full-text etc. This appears to affect in particular users trying to access these titles from the Keele computer network. The problem has been reported to Ebsco and we hope that they have a solution soon. Apologies for all the inconvenience caused.

50 Resources for Healthcare: 7. Get books on your reading list – check our catalogue

The library catalogue holds information about all the print resources we have - that’s books and print-based journal titles – as well as ebooks, DVDs and CD-Roms. You can search it to find the books on your reading lists. If we have missed something feel free to send your reading list to us or make a suggestion for us to buy it.  We have lots of etutorials to help you to get to grips with the catalogue and find the items you need at the Health Library: Find a book on the catalogue   Find a book on the shelf   Borrow a book at the counter   Use the self-issue machines   Find a print journal   You can also use the catalogue to renew your books online and request any items that are already on loan to someone else.

New Books for January 2013: including exam books

You can browse all the latest titles added to the catalogue in the past month. Titles include: Acute respiratory infections / edited by Wei Shen Lim.  Anaesthesia for day case surgery / Jan Jakobsson  Epidemiology, evidence-based medicine and public health / Yoav Ben-Shlomo, Sara Brookes, Matthew Hickman Infant, child and adolescent nutrition: a practical handbook / by Judy More. Lippincott's manual of psychiatric nursing care plans / Judith M. Schultz and Sheila L. Videbeck  Stress, coping, and development: an integrative perspective / Carolyn M. Aldwin foreword by Emmy E. Werner.  Also exam support: Best of five MCQs for MRCPsych paper 2 / Lena Palaniyappan and Rajeev Krishnadas  MRCOG Part 2: 550 MCQs, EMQs and SAQs / Rekha Wuntakal, Tony Hollingworth, David Redford  MRCS applied basic science and clinical topics / Stephen Parker  MRCS Part A: 500 SBAs and EMQs / Pradip K. Datta, Christopher J.K. Bulstrode, Willia...

50 Resources for Healthcare: 6. Quick access to nursing articles via Internurse

Keele University subscribes to the Internurse database. You can access this via our Nursing Databases page . Using Internurse our students can search through a limited range of nursing-based journals and get access to the full-text. This is often a good database to start with if you are unfamiliar with searching for articles. You are likely to find some information about a wide range of nursing-based issues and you can always get access to the full-text. To get you started why not try our etutorial Using Internurse . This will show you the main functions and you can watch videos demonstrating how to search for a topic.

Complete our eTutorial Survey and Enter our Prize Draw!

We’d like to know what you think about our etutorials and we’re willing to offer you the chance to win a prize! Have a go at one of our etutorials and then complete the survey form. We’ll enter each completed form into a prize draw. You could win a selection of useful stationery goods, including a memory stick, and the lucky first prize also gets a £20 voucher. Our etutorials include presentations, photo tours, video demonstrations and interactive quizzes. They are short and most only take a couple of minutes to complete. You can access them online via our website at any time. Why not have a look at some now: Get an introduction to all our facilities, services and resources – try our Welcome etutorials . Get started with finding some of our best resources – such as books and journals, whether in the library or online Or make sure that you are using our resources to get the most out of them; including books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and databases Develop you ...

Keep up-to-date with Medical News

I have updated our Medical News current awareness page to include links and feeds from our current ejournal subscriptions: British Journal of Medicine The Lancet New England Journal of Medicine As well as from BMA blog Royal College of General Practitioners news feed You can sign-up to receive the latest journal articles and news from the BMA and RCGP in your email inbox. Unfortunately I have had to remove the link to JAMA until we can get a current subscription sorted out. We have more help on keeping up-to-date with healthcare news on our website.

Health Inequalities Bulletin no. 38 April - May 2013

Click here to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on health inequalities which have been published in the previous two months. Sources covered include: NHS Evidence, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin no. 72 January 2013

Click here to access the bulletin . This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund.