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Showing posts from December, 2009

Mental Health Bulletin No. 233 December 21st 2009

Mental Health and Social Care Current Awareness Bulletin No.233 is now available and can be viewed by clicking here . The bulletin is designed to provide current awareness updates for mental health and social care services covering areas such as addictions, dementia and learning disabilities amongst others. Newsletter produced by Eastern Counties Library and Knowledge Services Alliance. Content covers updates from the Department of Health, national and international news and condition specific updates. Useful conferences and websites are also listed.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin November 2009

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. A list of additional Public Health and Primary Care updates produced locally is also provided. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin October 2009

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. A list of additional Public Health and Primary Care updates produced locally is also provided. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .

Online guides

The library has recently had an overhaul of all the leaflets and guides available. For online assistance, please visit the new How to... area of the Library website. Here you will find a mixture of frequently asked questions and online guides and tutorials to help support your use of electronic resources from home. Remember if you get stuck, you can always contact the library for further assistance.

Quality and productivity e-library

This week sees the launch of a new online library as part of the NHS Evidence Speecialist Collections. The quality and productivity library brings together examples of innovative practices that can be shared with all staff. The examples of improvements range from one-off studies in single organisations to robustly tested large scale changes that have been replicated in multiple organisations and have had results published in academic journals. A selection of the examples have been highly recommended as potential high impact changes, these can be found under the Recommended section .

Clinical Query Answering Service

This week the library has launched a new clinical query answering service. The service offers more in-depth literature searching, including a summary of information found and some indication of the level of evidence (e.g. if the studies are randomized controlled trials or systematic reviews). The service is aimed at departments or teams of health care professionals (not just doctors) who work together and want answers to questions that arise during the every day care of their patients Initially the service is running as a pilot with 4 specific teams in the University Hospital until June 2010 when an assessment will be made. To find out more about the proposed service, please contact Rachael Lewis: Email: Tel: (01782) 556563

NHS Evidence - Getting involved

Over the coming months NHS Evidence has many projects around different topics and issues for which they need to recruit a variety of people to help test. It is hoped to recruit volunteers from across health and social care e.g. clinicians, nurses, public health professionals, commissioners, librarians, researchers, information specialists, medical students and service managers. If you would like to volunteer - all please contact them with your name, role, the organisation you work for and a contact email address or telephone number. Initially they will be conducting pieces of research to test the usability of the service, to find out about people’s expectations and experiences of the service, general user feedback and research answering specific questions about the service. If you have provided your details they may contact you to see if you would like to take part in the research project. Full details of the aims of the research and what you would be doing will be provided so...

Library staff changes

The Library warmly welcomes three new members of staff: ROB WESTWOOD is covering the Deputy Library Manager's (Alison Thornley) maternity leave. Rob is a chartered librarian with experience in information literacy work with NHS Scotland and Glasgow University. VIX CAMERON joins us as a Library Assistant Her background is as Library Assistant with Bournemouth Borough Council Libraries. ANITA ROY will be Library Assistant covering Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Her background includes both HE (Staffordshire University) and local government (Staffordshire County Libraries). And last but by no means least, SUSAN SMITH (Electronic Resources Librarian) will be leaving us after Friday 11 December to take up a library manager post at Leighton Hospital, Crewe. For any queries regarding Athens or electronic resources, please contact the main Health Library enquiry by email: or tel: (01782) 556565.