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UHNM Staff publications database


Staff Publications Database

Interested to see what research or publications have been published by fellow colleagues?

The Health Library has produced the UHNM Staff publications database listing known publications in 2024.

The database can be filtered down by department, so you can see what has been produced in your area.

An updated database will be released quarterly.

What type of publications are included?

Publications in the database include journal articles, books, chapters, conference proceedings and editorials.

References for conference posters could also be included.

How do I access the database?

The database is accessible only via the UHNM internal staff intranet.

Go to the Health Libraries page, and click on the Staff Publications Database tile to access the database.

How do I get my publication included in the database?

Complete the form available here.

Library staff will review the information. Any accepted additions will be included in the next quarter’s version of the database.

What about earlier publications?

Lists of earlier staff publications can be accessed from the library website Staff publications - Keele University


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