We've introduced a new feature to help you to find what you need on our website. Use the Health Library search box to find resources, services and training opportunities. Try it now! You'll find a link to the search box on our home page , in the banner. What does it do? This new feature runs a simple search on google. Your search results are limited to the Health Library website and etutorials. Google decides on the relevancy of your results. This search option is good for looking for named resources (such as databases), library services and training opportunities. What doesn't it do? This search option does not search any of our resources. So, it will not find information for your assignments or work such as articles or books - you'll need a database for that. But you can search for a database! What do you think? We're running this as an experiment. What do you think? Is it useful or not? Send any comments, good or bad, to Cheryl, our eresources librarian, at c.ke
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