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Showing posts from February, 2022

Eating Disorders Awareness Week 28th February – 6th March 2022

  Eating disorders are devastating mental illnesses that affect 1 in 50 people in the UK. Eating disorders include bulimia, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED), and anorexia Beat Eating Disorders are the UK’s eating disorder charity. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, our mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. Recovery from eating disorders is possible, but we rely on our GPs to spot early warning signs that may have nothing to do with a person’s weight or appearance. On average GP’s get less than two hours in their entire medical degree. And a fifth of UK medical schools don’t provide any training on eating disorders at all. Therefore, Beat Eating Disorder’s 2022 campaign is focused around campaigning for all UK medical schools and foundation programmes to introduce proper training on eating disorders.  For more information surroun...

Q is for quiet study

 If you need a quiet spot to revise, need to concentrate on a report or want somewhere to gather your thoughts, come along to our quiet study area. Complete our photo tour – Using the Health Library – to check what facilities are available in the Library. Remember to check our opening hours if you are planning to visit.

What do our users say about KnowledgeShare?

 Do you want the latest evidence in your inbox but don't know how to get it? Register with KnowledgeShare! Complete the form , we'll set up your personalised interests, you'll get the information you need. What do our users say about KnowledgeShare? Get relevant evidence Get the latest evidence Get useful information Practically perfect Join today: learn more For more help, just get in touch .

P is for Patient Voices

  Do you listen to your patients? Do you get the complete view? We’ve developed our Patient Voices collection to give you a different perspective. How have patients coped with covid? What is the impact of disability on a family? How do people cope with a cancer diagnosis? Read patient stories to learn more. Browse through the Patient Voices collection online or in the Library.

O is for opening hours

  Need to visit the Health Library? We’re open 7 days a week. At the moment we’re operating under covid-19 restrictions . So, we are asking you to enter via the side-entrance using your library card to swipe yourself in. Then exit via the main entrance into the CEC foyer. Check our opening hours before you visit. Please note that opening hours may change around national holidays. Need more info on where we are? Here’s some help on getting here . Want to get in touch to check – all our contact details are here .

What do UHNM staff publish in BMJ Case Reports?

 Do you have an interesting patient case? Do you want to share unusual clinical complications? Take a look at BMJ Case Reports. Staff at UHNM can browse and search full-text BMJ Case Reports. But do you know you can also submit your our reports? Several of your UHNM colleagues have successfully published their case reports in BMJ Case Reports this year. check this list: Great auricular nerve schwannoma: a rare presentation and literature review  Oh S, Abou-Foul A, Patel S, Wilson P. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Jul 19;14(7):e242972. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242972. PMID: 34281943 Extensive subcutaneous emphysema from scalp to lower limbs in a 44-year old. Sokhal BS, Prasanna Kumar Menon S, Panesar H, Rajagopalan S. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Dec 30;14(12):e247433. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-247433. PMID: 34969810 Psychological burden of anaphylaxis and the fight for an EpiPen. Pradhan S. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Sep 3;14(9):e243838. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-243838. PMID: 34479890 Neph...

N is for… are you NEW here?

  Are you a new member of Keele staff? A student just finding your feet? An NHS member of staff looking for help? Is finding information becoming a blur? We’re here to help you and we’ve got just the thing to get you started at the Health Library. Watch our video for a short introduction of who we are and what we’ve got. Complete our etutorial Using the Health Library and get the basics. Explore the library via our photo tour and learn about our facilities and services. Need more? NHS staff can check our online NHS Library Induction for more answers to those frequently asked questions about resources. Year 3 medical students studying at the CEC can learn how to make the most of library services by completing our Y3 Medical Students Library Induction . Want to talk to a librarian? Keele academic staff and researchers can book a 1-to-1 induction to find out how the library service can support them. Just get in touch with the librarian training team . Do you need t...

NEW! Training webinars for NHS staff - get to grips with the new resources

 Need help adjusting to the changes in NHS resources? Make sure you know where to go for easy access to the best evidence. Try our NEW training webinars for UHNM staff. You can sign-up for: Introduction to the NEW NHS Knowledge and Library Hub Literature Searching in Medline (OVID) Searching Cochrane Library for systematic Reviews Register for our 1 hour webinars delivered throughout February and March. 

Sign-up for training on Keele resources

 Write better assignments; make the most of the resources you can access. Sign-up for online webinars covering Keele-subscribed resources. You can register for sessions on: Finding journal articles for your assignments Evaluating your search results Managing your references Referencing with Cite them Right Searching healthcare databases Sessions are being delivered through February and March. All sessions are 45 minutes and delivered online. Please go to the Campus website to register for the session and date you want. For more information about training delivered via the Health Library go to the training page for Keele staff and students.

M is for mobile apps

Want information on the go? Impress your colleagues with instant access. You can get straight to the information you need via mobile apps. Which apps will help you? Mobile Essentials for NHS users Search from NHS-subscribed resources using apps or mobile-friendly websites. Including BMJ Best Practice, BNF & BNFc, Clinical Key, Cochrane Library, Pubmed and TRIP database. Check our web page for a suggested list. Mobile Essentials for Keele users Search from Keele-subscribed resources using apps or mobile-friendly websites. Including BNF & BNFc, Cochrane Library, Medicines Complete, Pubmed and Web of Science. Check our web page for a suggested list. More Help Check the Online Guides and Support section on our website for guides, tutorials, videos and how-to instructions on using our most popular resources Book a session with our training team if you need more help searching for information Contact Cheryl, our eresources librarian, for more help accessing online...

L is for Library Search

  Looking for a book at the Library? We have a healthcare specialist collection at the Health Library.  Search on  Library Search  for items on your topic / specialty Library Search is the main catalogue of all our print book collection. It also offers different collections of eresources depending on which user group you are in. NHS staff library members You can search Library Search for books and ebooks. The collection includes books from the Health Library, Campus Library and the Health Library at County. Library members can borrow items from any of these collections. You just need to place a request (on Library Search) and indicate where you want to pick it up. We’ll make the transfer and let you know when you can come in to collect it. Some of the ebook collections, particularly healthcare related, are also available to NHS staff. Look out for the NHS OpenAthens link in the ebook online access details. Make sure you use the search option Books and more...

K is for knowledge

 Stay on top of all the latest evidence in your field – register for KnowledgeShare updates straight to your inbox. Make sure you keep your knowledge up-to-date with the latest evidence. Register your clinical or professional interests and you’ll get regular bulletins, containing guidelines, reviews, reports and more, delivered straight to your inbox. Get the registration form from our Current awareness section , complete it and send to the Health Library. More Help Want to learn more about current awareness? Check our etutorials . Book a session with our training team if you need more help searching for information Contact Cheryl, our eresources librarian, for more help accessing online resources;

Finding Full-Text Articles for NHS staff

 We have a new web page for our NHS users - Articles for the NHS: finding full-text articles . Make the most of all the new resources we have for you and get to full-text articles quicker. Have you got your reference ready? You can use: LibKey IO - to search for article unique identifiers DOIs or Pubmed IDs NHS Knowledge and Library Hub - to search for article titles or journal titles LibKey Browzine - to search for journal titles and find full-text LibKey Nomad - to find full-text access on publisher websites Get more info on our new Articles for the NHS  web page from our blog post Get your full-text NHS article .

J is for join the Health Library

Why would you join the Health Library? Why would you not? !   You need the best evidence to for your assignments, research projects and to support your decisions Join the Health Library to:   Borrow from our great healthcare specialist print collections   Swipe into the Library   Print and photocopy content   Request an Inter-Library Loan   How do you join?   Keele staff and students – don’t do a thing, you're already members!   NHS staff – complete the application form and pick up your card   More Help   Watch our video for a quick overview of what the Health Library can offer you   Complete our etutorial Using the Health Library to learn more about our services and facilities   Contact the Health Library for more help joining

I is for Information Skills

What are information skills?   You need to develop the right skills so that you can find the information you need effectively.     Make sure you have the right skills:   To identify clearly what information you need   To search the right resources effectively   To evaluate and appraise your results   To use information ethically   To communicate it responsibly and effectively   To manage information   Our information skills etutorials will help you develop your skills – find them on our website .   Watch the video for a brief introduction     More Help   Check the Online Guides and Support section on our website for guides, tutorials, videos and how-to instructions on using our most popular resources   Complete an etutorial to get started using our resources   Book a session with our training team if you need more help searching for information   Contact Cheryl, our eresources librarian, for more ...