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Showing posts from February, 2020

Video introduction to the Health Library

We've updated our video to let you know about all the great facilities and services we have for you here at the Health Library. You can view it on our YouTube channel , on our website home page or just check it out here!

Access Case Reports and Publish Your Own with BMJ Case Reports

We have a subscription to BMJ Case Reports for staff working at UHNM. Access Case Reports Log on to BMJ Case Reports with your NHS OpenAthens username – use the OpenAthens login option from the top menu Log In dropdown. You will then get access to the full-text of: Peer-reviewed articles Unusual clinical cases Common and rare conditions Publish your own Case Report You can also submit your own Case Report in order to share it with the healthcare community. You’ll find instructions and help on how to do this on our guidance page . You will need to contact the eResources Librarian to get the fellowship code before submitting your report. You’ll find access to all our NHS-based resources on our new NHS Resources A-Z page .

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletins - get the latest issues

Our NHS Outreach team produce a number of bulletins to help NHS staff keep up-to-date with the latest evidence. The Cliincal Effectiveness bulletin is produced for staff working in primary care in North Staffordshire. This aims to draw attention to key documents, guidance and evidence-based reviews on clinical effectiveness. You can now access the most recent issues on the Health Library website . If you would like to be added to the emailing list please contact the NHS Outreach team.

Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week, 3rd February - 9th February 2020

Sexual abuse and/or sexual violence is sexual behaviour that you don’t want to do, don’t agree to do or don’t understand. Sexual abuse includes physical action and also activities where there’s no physical contact between you and the abuser. Sexual violence and abuse are crimes. Unfortunately sexual abuse and violence can affect anyone. The Crime Survey for England and Wales for the year ending March 2018 showed that police recorded 150,732 sexual offences, encompassing rape (53,977 cases) and sexual assault, and also sexual activity with children. For more information surrounding sexual assault and/or violence, please visit NiDirect and NHS Choices websites: RELATED LIBRARY RESOURCES For anyone studying the importance of improving both the awareness and knowledge of and supporting those who have been affected by sexual violence...