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Showing posts from June, 2019

New Training Dates for Health Library Courses – July to September 2019

We’ve released new training dates for our training programme. Have a look at the training opportunities available at the Health Library this Summer. We can help you to develop your skills so that you can find the evidence to support decision-making and patient care. Our courses include opportunities to: Get help finding the right information via the Internet Learn how to conduct a literature search and use our databases to get information quickly Find high-level good quality systematic reviews and evidence summaries using the Cochrane Library and similar resources Start to develop your critical appraisal skills Get to grips with Refworks (Keele only) Our courses are free, provide lots of hands-on opportunities and are usually completed in 1 to 2 hours. Why not book online now , or contact our training team .

Online Learning at the Health Library - try our etutorials

If you don't get chance to come into the library for a training course, remember that we also have online learning opportunities. You can complete our etutorials to learn more about how to use our resources or develop you own information searching skills. Sign-up to our Information Skills for Health blog and get hints, tips, videos, demos and instructions to help you to get the most out of the library. Getting Started eTutorials Get started with our most popular resources such as journals and databases, learn what articles are and how you can find full-text. Tutorials are available for both Keele and NHS users. Information Skills eTutorials Developing your information skills is an important aspect of studying and working. These are skills which will help you to identify, find, evaluate and manage the information that you need so that you can effectively and efficiently find the right material for your studies and work. Completing our Information Skills etutorials wil...

BNF Healthy Eating Week 10th - 14th June 2019

BNF (British Nutrition Foundation) Healthy Eating Week is a dedicated week in the year to encourage organisations across the UK (including workplaces, universities, and schools) to focus on healthy eating and drinking, and physical activity, and celebrate healthy living. At the heart of BNF Healthy Eating Week are five health challenges: ●        Have breakfast ●        Have 5 A DAY ●        Drink plenty ●        Get active ●        Sleep well - NEW for 2019 It is particularly important to promote healthy lifestyles within workplaces as it is not only beneficial to employees but employers too! Approximately 131 million working days are lost to sickness absence and 200,000 due to insufficient sleep in the UK each year. Additionally, around 1 in 6 employees in the UK currently experience mental health problems. For more inf...

UHNM Wellbeing day - 7th June 2019

UHNM is hosting a staff wellbeing day today, 10 am - 3 pm, in the main restaurant at Royal Stoke University Hospital. Various stands will include: Heartfulness Meditation Pure Gym Carers Hub Team Prevent Nuffield Health Macmillan Centre EST Plan – Will writing PHE Stoke Cancer Prevention team Staffordshire Sight Loss association Smoking Cessation Living streets Yoga, Pilates and Massage Simply Health UHNM Emergency Department Wellbeing Team Also at the Academy between 10 am and 3 pm, you can sample wellbeing classes, or have a health check. See information on the UHNM intranet for more details about the classes and how to book onto them.

Change of location for UHNM Wellbeing day - 7th June 2019

The location for UHNM's staff wellbeing day on 7th June has changed. It will now be held in the main restaurant at Royal Stoke University Hospital, 10 am - 3 pm. Various stands will include: Heartfulness Meditation Pure Gym Carers Hub Team Prevent Nuffield Health Macmillan Centre EST Plan – Will writing PHE Stoke Cancer Prevention team Staffordshire Sight Loss association Smoking Cessation Living streets Yoga, Pilates and Massage Simply Health UHNM Emergency Department Wellbeing Team Also at the Academy between 10 am and 3 pm, you can sample wellbeing classes, or have a health check. See information on the UHNM intranet for more details about the classes and how to book onto them.

Midwifery Students can get easy access to Keele Resources

All the Keele online resources most suitable to help our midwifery students are available from one web page – the Midwifery Databases page . You’ll find easy access routes to searchable databases and our online collections. Screen-shot of the Midwifery Databases page Here you will find links to: Core Databases – the essential databases to support midwifery topics Social Sciences Databases – additional databases if you are looking at wider topics Other Healthcare Resources – useful freely available online resources Books / eBooks – links to Library Search and major medications references Journals / eJournals – A-Z journals list to help you to check whether you have full-text access to the articles you find Mobile Essentials for Keele – mobile friendly websites and apps that help you to access specialist resources on the go Training & Tools – links to training opportunities and online learning Help & Guidance – find out more about how we can help you

UHNM Wellbeing day - 7th June 2019

UHNM is hosting a staff wellbeing day on Friday 7th June 2019, 10 am - 3 pm, in the Boardroom of the Springfield Building, Royal Stoke University Hospital. Various stands will include: Heartfulness Meditation Pure Gym Carers Hub Team Prevent Nuffield Health Macmillan Centre EST Plan – Will writing PHE Stoke Cancer Prevention team Staffordshire Sight Loss association Smoking Cessation Living streets Yoga, Pilates and Massage Simply Health UHNM Emergency Department Wellbeing Team Also at the Academy between 10 am and 3 pm, you can sample wellbeing classes, or have a health check. See information on the UHNM intranet for more details about the classes and how to book onto them.