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Showing posts from October, 2017

Library Essentials for Students – Literature Searching

What is it? Literature searching is a technique for finding the most relevant, up-to-date information about a specific topic. You need to develop a number of information skills so that you can competently and effectively complete a literature search. This video gives you a broad introduction to the skills you need to help you to complete a literature search. How can it help you? You will need to develop literature searching skills in order to find information for your course work and dissertation. How do you develop your literature searching skills? You can: Attend the library sessions booked by your tutors Book additional library training sessions Complete our Introduction to Literature Searching etutorial and print out you own search plan at the end Check out our Information Skills etutorials to help you to develop your skills further Remind yourself regularly of the literature searching steps using our flashcard revision etutorial

Here's how we helped - inter-library loans supplied

If you can't access the full-text of an article we will try to get a copy for you via an inter-library loan (ILL). During July to September 2017 we processed 39 inter-library loan requests, helping staff to access the right evidence. Learn more about our inter-library loan service  and how it can help you. 39 inter-library loans were completed during this quarter

Library Essentials for Students – Medicine Resources

What is it? You can find all our recommended resources for medicine students on the Medical Databases page . Resources include books / ebooks, journals, databases and evidence-based resources. Resources may be freely available on the Internet or purchased for you by the Library. How can it help you? You will need to find information for your course work. Resources listed here are good quality, healthcare-focused, academic sources of evidence-based information. There are also links to help and guidance as well as the Health Library etutorials to help you to get to grips with the resources quickly.

Here's how we helped - NHS Athens registrations

During July to September 2017 336 NHS staff members registered for an NHS Athens username. These staff can now access a wealth of online resources, and use the latest evidence to support clinical decision-making. Learn more about registering for an Athens username via our website . 336 new athens accounts were registered this quarter

Here's how we helped - completing literature searches

Our qualified librarians can complete literature searches on your behalf. They completed 38 literature searches for staff during July to September 2017. You can make a literature search request online or by completing a form at the library counter. 38 Literature searches were completed this quarter

Quick Search on Clinical Key

Need a quick answer to a clinical question? Try searching on Clinical Key. Clinical Key is a clinical-specialist search engine with access to 1000s of online resources, such as ejournals, ebooks, guidelines, videos and patient education. Use the search engine to complete simple searches and find the latest evidence. Clinical key includes lots of extra features: Filter results Save articles from your search results Create and export presentations Learn from videos Subscribe to journal ToC updates Use the Mobile App Content is updated on a regular basis. Clinical key is available to staff at UHNM, via their Athens username. For more help see our help page .

Library Essentials for Students – Midwifery Resources

What is it? You can find all our recommended resources for midwifery students on the Midwifery Databases page . Resources include books / ebooks, journals, databases and evidence-based resources. Resources may be freely available on the Internet or purchased for you by the Library. How can it help you? You will need to find information for your course work. Resources listed here are good quality, healthcare-focused, academic sources of evidence-based information.

Here's how we helped - delivering training

Our training librarians run training courses on a regular basis. During July to September 2017 they delivered 176 training sessions. Learn more about our training programmes. 176 training sessions were delivered this quarter

Library Essentials for Students - eBooks

What are they? eBooks are online versions of books. We have ebooks covering many of our popular topics. You can find them by searching Library Search and filtering the results for online content. The book entry will then give you a link to use to access the ebook. How can they help you? eBooks are especially helpful when popular print books are all out on loan. You can access the same text online and you don’t have to worry about returning the book on time. You can also use the interface to search through the text to find the information you need. You may be able to add your own notes to sections of the books. How do you access them? ebooks can be found on the catalogue Library Search. You will need your Keele computer login details to log on and access the full-text. Our etutorial Using eBooks can show you more. Here is a quick overview of the ebook platform:

Lupus Awareness Month October 2017

Lupus is a complex and poorly understood condition that affects many parts of the body. The symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening. The 2017 Lupus Awareness Month campaign will be using the hashtag #THISISLUPUS . The aim of the campaign is to make the invisible visible! The team at LUPUS UK are encouraging individuals to share photos, videos and stories from people affected by lupus around this theme, in the hope of making people more aware of lupus, which can then help control its impact. Is there a side of you that your friends or family don’t usually see? Have you been the victim of abuse from people who did not realise that you were unwell? Have you struggled to get people to understand how much you are affected by your lupus? For more information surrounding Lupus please visit the NHS Choices and Lupus UK websites: RELATED HEALTH LIBRARY RESOURCES   For anyone ...

Library Essentials for Students – Nursing Resources

You can find all our recommended resources for nursing students on the Nursing Databases page . Resources include books / ebooks, journals, databases and evidence-based resources. Resources may be freely available on the Internet or purchased for you by the Library. How can it help you? You will need to find information for your course work. Resources listed here are good quality, healthcare-focused, academic sources of evidence-based information.

NICE HDAS and NHS A-Z Journals Problems

We have recently had an update to the software that produces the links for our journals and articles presented within NICE HDAS and NHS A-Z Journals. Unfortunately there appear to be a number of problems associated with the implementation that you should be aware of: 1. Some full-text links are repeating - so you may get 2-5 links that are all the same, this is occurring with a number of providers, although it is not consistent. This has been reported. 2. The links for print content from the Health Library print journals don’t seem to be coming through on HDAS, although the journal title are on the A-Z. So you may need to check the A-Z for print content. This has been reported. 3. Links from Ebsco Medline with full-text are working intermittently and I don't think the content is correct ie we seem to be getting links for journal titles which are not included as full-text within medline. This has been reported. Do let me know if you come across anything looking funny...

Check Medicine Information via Medicines Complete

If you need to check information about medicines and drugs, then use Medicines Complete . This is an online reference tool, allowing you to search across a range of medicine reference books. Keele users  – log in via shibboleth using your Keele computer login details NHS staff  – log in via openathens, using your NHS Athens username / password All users will be able to access the BNF and BNFc. We have purchased extra resources for Keele users as well as NHS staff at UHNM and North Staffs Combined Healthcare such as: AHFS Drug Information Handbook on Injectable Drugs Kucer’s the Use of Antibiotics Stockley’s Drug Interactions And more… The books available to you will depend on the subscription of your organisation.

Library Essentials for Students – Request Books

You can request that an item be saved for you. If the item is already out on loan a hold will be placed on the item and you will be added to the queue to receive it when it is returned to the library. If the item is not on loan the item will be picked off the shelf for you the next time the request list is processed by staff. You can request items Via Library Search – you will need to log in, then when you view a book’s locations you will see an option to request the item. Complete the short form and click the request button Asking a member of staff at the counter Screen-shot of the Request page You can also request that an item at the Campus Library be sent down to the Health Library for you to pick up here. Please speak to a member of staff at the Library. You will be sent an email when the item is available for you to collect – so keep an eye on your emails.

Library Essentials for Students – Automatic Renewals

The majority of users (including Keele staff and students and our NHS users) will have their loaned items renewed automatically by the library system, unless an item has been requested or your library account is in debit by £10 or more. This means that you don’t have to worry about logging on or ringing up to renew your books. However, keep an eye on your Keele email account, if another user requests the book you have on loan you will be asked to return it. If you don’t return it on time you will be fined. If you don’t need a book any more please return it so that it is available for other users.

Publish in the BMJ Case Reports

If you work at UHNM and have come across an unusual medical case then why not submit it to BMJ Case Reports? BMJ Case Reports are available to UHNM staff. The Health Library subscription includes the opportunity not only for you to access full-text of published content (using your Athens username) but also for you to submit your own cases. You can find more information on our BMJ Case Reports support page . Contact Cheryl, the eResources Librarian , when you need the fellowship code.

OCD Awareness Week 8th - 14th October 2017

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a serious anxiety-related condition where a person experiences frequent intrusive and unwelcome obsessional thoughts, often followed by repetitive compulsions, impulses or urges. The illness affects as many as 12 in every 1000 people (1.2% of the population) from young children to adults, regardless of gender or social or cultural background. In fact, it can be so debilitating and disabling that the World Health Organisation (WHO) once ranked OCD in the top ten of the most disabling illnesses of any kind, in terms of lost earnings and diminished quality of life. Therefore OCD Awareness Week is a global effort to raise awareness and understanding about OCD, with the goal of educating people and working towards removing misunderstanding and stigma that can be caused by misrepresentation of OCD. Launched in 2009 by the International OCD Foundation (a US based charity), OCD Awareness Week is now promoted by a number of organisations across the wo...