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Showing posts from August, 2016

Electives (Nursing & Midwifery) - no change to library loan rules

If you are embarking on an elective in the coming weeks, to ensure you do not incur any fines it is advisable to return your books to the library before starting your placement. Students are welcome to continue to borrow items, but please be aware that nor normal requirements to renew items, normal loan periods, and the possibility that items will be recalled or fines incurred for late return/renewal, will still apply.

Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine 9th edition NOW IN!

The new edition of the extreeemly popular book Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine is now available at the Health Library.

Have you encountered an unusual clinical case, complication or diagnosis?

If you have encountered an unusual clinical case, complication or diagnosis then you can share your experience by publishing a BMJ Case Report. BMJ Case Reports publishes  peer-reviewed, clinically important cases, in common and rare conditions. The Health Library subscription includes the opportunity not only for you to access full-text of published content but also for you to submit your own cases. You can find more information on our BMJ Case Reports support page . This subscription is only available to UHNM staff - you will need an NHS Athens username to access BMJ Case Reports.

Visiting the Health Library? Check our hours and access

If you are planning to visit the Health Library please check our opening hours before you come. We are open 7 days a week (excluding some public holidays). You will find our main doors in the atrium of the Clinical Education Centre , at the Royal Stoke hospital site. During the weekend and after 5:30pm on a week-day evening please use the side-entrance. You can automatically access this entrance using your library or Keele card via the access control system, otherwise use the telecomm system to ask to be let in.

Supporting NHS Staff

You'll find that the Health Library can help our many NHS staff members in lots of different ways. Check out our web page Information for NHS Staff for a list of all the different options available to you.

Accessing the BNF Online

NHS staff can access the BNF (and BNFc) online via: NICE Evidence Search BNF page  (no login required) Medicines Complete - see the Healthcare Resources page for the link, page down to the Medicines Complete link and login with your NHS Athens username BNF App - this is only available to NHS Athens users; see our help page for more information and check out the BNF error and fix BNF App Image

Information Skills for Health

Sign-up to our Information Skills for Health blog. The Information Skills for Health blog is here to help you to get to grips with our resources as well as support development of your information skills. You’ll find lots of short learning opportunities, including: Searching tips & tricks Resource features eTutorials Revalidation support And more… You can sign-up to receive news items in your inbox.

Don't miss out - Stay in touch

There are lots of ways that you can stay in touch with the Health Library: Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Watch us on YouTube Check our website We'll keep you informed of any changes at the Health Library as well as give you lots of useful information to help you to use our resources effectively. You can also subscribe to this blog to receive updates in your email inbox.

Take a moment – relax and have a go at our mindfulness wall

If you need a moment to take a break – come along to the Health Library and help us to complete our mindfulness wall. Photo of our mindfulness wall at the health library

Join the Health Library

If you work for our NHS partners in North Staffordshire , then you can join the Health Library. Complete our application form – you can print out the online version or pick one up from the counter; bring it along with your NHS ID badge to the counter and we can set you up straight away. You can find out more about how we can support you by taking our online tutorial Supporting NHS Staff .

Watch our Video

Here is a quick overview of what we can do for you at the Health Library.

New Keele Printing in the IT Suite

Keele users can now use the new printing system in the IT suite: You will need to have a new Keele card, issued after 1st August. You will need to have added sufficient credit to your card. Please ask at your school or the CEC reception about new Keele cards.  You can add credit to your Keele card online .  Please see Keele IT if you have any problems. Photo of Keele Print Station Note: there is still no NHS printing available via the Keele network. Please ask at the counter.

How can we support YOU!

The Health Library is here to support NHS organisations in North Staffordshire . Try our short etutorial Supporting NHS Staff to learn about the many facilities, services and resources that we have to support your work, CPD and revalidation.

No Printing over the Keele Network

Printing facilities are not currently available via the Keele network in the IT suite at the Health Library. This is occurring while the new Keele cards and printing software are being aligned. Add your printable items to a memory stick, bring to the counter, a library staff member will print your items, you can pay in cash or by credit/debit card.